Her hands reach up and clasp my shoulders for purchase. I have to bite the inside of my cheek to avoid howling when the bite of her nails penetrates through my suit jacket. Equal amounts of pleasure and pain have me cursing.

Flushing, her face contorts. She rasps, “Dandy.”

Without thinking, I scoop her up. Her hands slide around the back of my neck into my hair. She grasps for purchase even as I stride toward a chaise lounge. “You’re dangerous in those shoes.” You’re dangerous in anything.

“Ethan! Put me down!” she orders.

“After I check out your ankle,” I reprimand her.

Unceremoniously, I deposit her, but just as I’m about to stand, her fingers tighten around my collar before they release. A current of electricity arcs between us. I try to control my breathing just in case I’m the only one who recognizes it for what it is.

Quickly, I kneel and capture her ankle in my hands. My imagination isn’t nothing, judging by the sharp inhale she takes. If I wasn’t already on my knees, I’d be dropping to them within seconds of her reaction to my fingers grazing her perfect skin. Gritting my teeth, I apply pressure in different spots to test for weakness—almost hoping I find some reason to order her out of these ridiculous heels that are going to entice the stupid jackasses that are coming to celebrate their graduation tonight.

She allows me to poke and prod for a few moments before finally soothing me. “I’m fine. I just got my foot caught.”

“And almost went flying into a cake,” I say sternly.

“You came to the rescue.”

Not knowing where the words come from, I blurt out, “I always will.”

She reaches into her purse and whips out her cell phone. Immediately, thumbs begin texting. I roll my eyes. “What? Are you telling Austyn about this?”

Giving me her patented smirk, Fallon drawls, “Hell no. I’m just marking the date and time in my calendar so I can use it against you in the future.”

“Oh, give me that,” I growl before swiping her phone out of her hands. Knowing I’m not just going to hell, I’m making my own reservation for my space, I program in my phone number before sending a text to myself.

Fallon quirks her brow. “And you did what, exactly?”

“When you and Austyn get into trouble at UT, text me. Do not contact my sister or your mother. They’ll have a heart attack at your shenanigans.” My experience with the high jinks the two young women could get into sends chills down my spine when I picture the number of times I’m going to be hit up for bail money.

Instead of laughing, Fallon’s face sobers. I’m about to rescind my offer when she whispers, “Why am I not surprised? Before you, no one’s ever tried to rescue me before.”

Straightening to my full height, I stare down at the crown of her head. I’m rocked by the admission this strong-willed reincarnated goddess lets slip. But now’s apparently not the time to explore it. The back door to my father’s house bursts open and a plethora of kids spill out. In most cases, proud parents file out right behind them.

Fallon locks away her momentary fragility before bounding out of the chaise and enthusiastically greeting her friends and fellow graduates.

As for me, I berate myself for showing even a modicum of my weakness toward a girl who has no intention of looking back once she leaves Kensington.



Three Years Later—New York City, New York

Hanging out in a VIP lounge at a nightclub with my best friend, her husband, parents, and their friends, I tease, “I’ll say one thing about your life.”

“What’s that?”

“It certainly doesn’t lack for eye candy.”

Austyn bursts into gales of laughter. “You can thank my dad for that.”

I cut my eyes over to Austyn’s father and let loose a heartfelt sigh over his own gorgeousness. “Yes. It’s going to bother me terribly to have to go converse with your father.”

Austyn’s about to open her mouth to slap me down when her eyes widen dramatically. Then she shouts “Uncle Ollie!” before taking off at a run.

I twirl around on four-inch heels just in time to catch sight of Oliver Kensington. He lifts his niece and swings her around before shouting above the din, “Happy birthday, kiddo!”