“Holy shit,” Taylor breathed. “Why are you throwing up? You haven’t even had anything to drink. Are you okay?”

“When did you last eat?” I asked, rubbing Harper’s back and trying to piece together why she was throwing up out of nowhere.

“This morning sometime,” she struggled to say.

“Okay, so she didn’t eat and drink anything,” Taylor stated.

“I know what’s wrong.” Harper wiped her mouth. We needed to get her some water.

“Okay?” Zoe asked. “Is it a stomach bug?”

Harper took a deep breath and shook her head. “I’m pregnant.”

“Oh wow,” Taylor said with a gasp, as she covered her mouth in surprise.

Harper nodded, tears welling in her eyes. “Yeah, I took a test this morning. I didn’t want to say anything until my doctor confirmed it.”

We all engulfed her in a hug.

“What about your residency?” I asked.

“I don’t know. I haven’t thought that far.”

“Who’s the father?” Zoe inquired.

“Toby.” She buried her face in her hands.

While I was concerned for Harper, I couldn’t stop thinking about Ezra. I needed to go back and get his number or talk to him some more. I didn’t want to leave like I had the morning he’d left for Arizona. I was older now, more mature, and I had to believe we ended up on the same subway train and his friends dared him to kiss me for a reason.

Our friends had assumed he and I didn’t know each other, and we obviously played along, but there was so much I wanted to ask him. How was Arizona? How long had he been back? Was he only home for the holidays? What was he doing for work? I hoped since he’d kissed me that meant he was single and maybe it was finally time to be together. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t still love him. I had thought about him often over the last seven years, and I knew I couldn’t let the opportunity pass.

“Do you want to go back inside, or I can get you a glass of water?” I offered.

“Water would be good, but I also really just want to go home,” Harper stated.

“Okay. Give me all the coat check tickets and I’ll grab our things and some water.” I reached out my hand, and all three pulled the ticket from their bras.

I knocked on the door we had left through and said to the bouncer, “She needs some water.”

He let me inside and I scanned the crowded dance floor as I got closer, searching for Ezra. I didn’t see him or his friends as I maneuvered through the sea of people. I reached the bar, hoping he might be ordering a drink, but found no sign of him there either.

Sadness started to set in as I realized I didn’t even have his number because in my junior year of college, I had lost my phone and had to get a new one. I had lost everyone’s number. But we had reconnected in the most unexpected way, and now I regretted pretending we were strangers. But I didn’t have time to think about that. My friend needed me.

Grabbing the bartender’s attention, I got a cup of water and went back to the exit near the restroom and held up the plastic cup. The bouncer opened the door and motioned for me to go through.

“Actually, I’m just going to give her the water and then I need to come back in to get our stuff from the coat check.”


I did just that, and when I crossed through the main part of the nightclub, I once again searched for Ezra, but he was nowhere to be found. The realization that I had no way to reach him intensified the knot in my stomach. Unless he was on social media, I had no way of finding him. In all our years apart, I had never checked for fear I would see that he was dating someone or was married.

With all our coats in hand, I went back to my friends, and we headed for the subway. Just as we walked down the stairs, Taylor gasped.

“Oh, my god, Logan. What about that guy you kissed? We just up and left.”

I smiled tightly and sighed. “I looked for him when I went back in but didn’t see him.”

“Oh no,” Harper breathed. “I’m so sorry.”