“Sure. Whatever you want to do.”

She grabbed my hand and led me inside and up to her bedroom. We sat close on her bed, but kept the TV off, which usually provided background noise when we fooled around.

“We’re doing the right thing, right?” Logan asked, her gaze searching mine for reassurance.

I nodded, my heart aching. “We have to, piña. College is a new chapter, and we can’t hold each other back.”

Tears welled in her eyes, and I pulled her into a hug, inhaling the pineapple spray she always sprayed on her skin. The pain of goodbye gripped my heart harder as I held her, and she cried into my T-shirt.

At some point, we scooted down and lay side by side on the bed. She nestled against me, her head on my chest, and we fell into a heavy silence as I lightly ran my fingers up and down her back.

“I wish I could freeze this moment,” Logan murmured, her voice breaking the stillness.

I tightened my hold, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her head. “Me too.”

Exhaustion eventually overcame us, and we drifted to sleep, still entwined, our fingers interlocked.

* * *

I awoke to the soft light of dawn filtering through the curtains, which bathed the room in a quiet glow. For a moment, I lay there, disoriented, as I woke and reality seeped in. The space next to me brought a sudden, sharp ache to my chest.

“Logan?” I called out.

There was no response.

I sat up, scanning the room. Her side of the bed was still warm, but she was gone.

A note on her bedside table caught my eye. I snatched it up and read the words she had left behind:


I couldn’t bear to wake you. This morning is hard enough as it is. I want you to remember us as we were last night, as you held me while we dreamed. It hurts, but I just can’t see you walk away. I hope you understand.

Love always,


* * *

Present Day

I found my friends at the bar, ordered a shot of vodka, and then called it a night. How could life be so cruel? I had thought I was over Logan, but seeing her again, kissing her again, told me my heart would never heal until she was mine again.



We rushed after Harper as she dashed off the dance floor toward the restrooms. When we reached them, there was a line. Instead of waiting, Harper moved past everyone to the emergency exit, where a bouncer stood.

“I need some air,” she said to him.

He stared at her for a beat and then nodded, opening the door and letting us pass.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, shivering slightly from the instant chill of the air on my bare skin.

Before Harper could respond, she bent over and vomited onto the sidewalk.

My eyes widened as I looked at my friends.