“Cold?” Ezra asked as he took a step back to stand next to me.

“Just a little.”

He shrugged off his coat and wrapped it around my shoulders.

“Thanks.” I smiled up at him.

“Of course.”

I brought the collar close to my nose and inhaled slightly. The jacket smelled like citrus and the sea, a scent I was familiar with. One that brought back so many memories.

“Do you come here often?” I asked him.

“First time. You?”

“First time too.”

Before we could chat any further, the bouncer called us forward. After we showed our identification, we were let inside.

As we entered the club, the bass thumped through the speakers, and a warmth washed over me from getting out of the cold. We stopped at the coat check, all of us shedding anything we didn’t want to carry and then the group dispersed, some heading straight to the dance floor, while Taylor, Ezra, and I found our way to the bar.

Ezra leaned against the bar top, a playful smirk gracing his lips and making my stomach flutter again. “So, what’s your poison?” he asked, gesturing to the array of colorful bottles behind the bartender.

Scanning the shelves, I considered my options, but I was curious about what he would choose for me. “Surprise me.”

He arched a brow and then turned to the bartender. I couldn’t hear his words over the loud music as he leaned over and said something to him. Then the bartender nodded and started to make whatever concoction Ezra had ordered.

“What can I have him make you?” Ezra asked Taylor.

She glanced at me and then winked. “So, I’m feeling like the third wheel. I think I’ll go dance, then get a drink later.”

“Wait. No.” I reached for her. “You’re not the third wheel.”

“You two”—she pointed her finger at each of us—“keep doing what you’re doing and I’m gonna see if one of his friends can keep up with me on the dance floor.”

“Try Chris,” Ezra said. “I think you two would be perfect for each other.”

She lifted a shoulder and then turned and left.

I moved closer to Ezra as the bartender placed two of the same cocktail in front of me. Ezra gave his credit card to the guy and then picked up the copper mugs, handing me one.

“Moscow mule?” I asked and took a sip, the sweet and tangy flavors exploded on my tongue.

“A Hawaiian mule.” He winked.

“I do love pineapple.”

“You don’t say?” He grinned.

I laughed and then asked, “So, what’s the deal about the bet? You go around kissing random women on the subway all the time?”

“No.” He shook his head. “They saw me staring at you and dared me to kiss you.”

“You were staring at me?”

“How could I not?” He brushed a piece of my black hair behind my ear.

“I didn’t even see you guys there.”