“Stop,” he says in a tired voice I’m sure I’ve never heard him use before.

I glare into his eyes as he says, “Andrew and Amy are with Evelyn and Abigail as we speak. Their bags were packed this morning while you were doing rounds around the city with Jude.”

My stomach burns with rage at their betrayal and my voice comes out low and seething. “Stolen away like a thief, and a Judas to keep me busy.”

Father sighs. “Your godfather had no knowledge of this. If your anger must be placed on someone then place it upon the correct target.”

Sitting back, I feel a moment of shame for suspecting Jude would ever hold knowledge of this magnitude from me. A moment, though, is all I give to shame before I allow the black flaming fires to engulf me.

Standing from my chair, I glance down at the immaculate carpet and almost spit in my rage. They should have placed a plastic tarp beneath my feet then they planned to cut my heart out. They could have at least given me that common fucking courtesy.

“Why?” I demand. “What have they done to deserve this?”

“You, Adam. You’re why they’re currently being taken to the airport at this very moment.” He frowns at me. “Abigail and your obsession with her has become an issue with her parents and your mother.”

“Like your obsession with my mother? And Andrew’s with Amy? Or what about Jude’s manic obsession with Eden?” As I speak, my voice grows louder and louder until I see that maniacal gleam in Father’s own eyes.

“Exactly like ours. You’ve found the missing piece to your essence, Adam,” he says quietly. “But unlike the men of our inner circle, you are still considered a child under the age of eighteen, and she is still a year and eight months younger than you.”

Raising my eyebrows at this, I feel the deep, annoyed scoff coming from my mouth before I can stop it. “And?”

“Her parents, your mother, and I have all agreed—there needs to be separation. There needs to be some room for growth for her to truly become the woman she needs to be, Adam.”

“She can grow right here,” I all but shout.

“Under your watchful eye.” He chuckles. “Do you think her guards haven’t noticed the protection ring you’ve put around her? A protection ring made up of underage minors?”

“It’s for her safety,” I growl. “What would you have me do? Leave her to her own devices, heedless of the real dangers out there? Should I not protect her from the enemies of the family?”

“What about the two spies you have keeping tabs on her?” he asks. “Does she not deserve to have her own life? One without you knowing her secrets?”

Two spies.

I want to laugh at that.

I have five.

Three girls and two boys.

“She does, but from within the safety of my control,” I say.

He rolls his eyes. “Adam, perhaps someday in the future that will be true. But she will wilt like a flower without water if you continue to control the world around her.”

She’s not a damn flower, I want to shout at him.

But showing that kind of emotional outburst will only hurt my cause. My father and her father, Andrew, will only cause more issues with Abigail and I right now if I show such immaturity. I’m also positive that no matter what I say here today the outcome will not change.

Perhaps UGC is not the college for me, after all. I’ve always wondered what the northeast of our country is like during its winters. I love the cold and the view of snow falling to the ground.

“No.” Father smirks at me as he watches the gears turning in my head. “You won’t be able to leave Garden City for a different college either.”

Fucking damnable Devil.

“Am I that transparent?” I ask with a sigh and sag back down into the chair.

Fuck having good posture.

“Not to the outside world, perhaps.” His smirk sharpens. “But I am your father, and like you I would be running through every option I had to get back what’s mine.”