It was only a hurried brushing of our lips and a desperate hug to ensure that we were still each other’s center of gravity.

But that kiss still haunts my dreams.

Haunts them like a revenant coming for my soul.

“And how is Crow Acquisitions?” Father asks, and I instantly feel a sharp annoyance at the question.

Crow Acquisitions is my first business, built from the ground up by my own hands. A protection service I originally started for my sister and the rest of the family’s children.

One day, years ago, as I was backed into the corner of a school bathroom by two children much larger than me, I had a realization. I could do one of two things—run to my father for protection or do what he would have done.

I chose the latter.

The very next day, I went to school with a roll of dimes in my pocket. When Tyler and Connor cornered me in the bathroom again demanding money, I let all the feelings of unquenched rage and fury go. I went to a place of dark tranquil peace. My fists hurt them as much as they hurt me. Once I was finally done in the bathroom, we were all sporting black eyes, broken noses, and a couple broken fingers.

I still remember the words I harshly whispered to them as I stood over their groaning bodies.

“This is over. No more harassment of me or my family. You don’t touch a single child without my say so. Everything you do from now on will be on my terms. You’re both mine until you die,” I hissed at them. “Nod your heads in understanding.”

Seeing the Devil in my eyes, they knew I owned their souls.

From there, we built up a small protection service that eventually grew into a full-blown criminal enterprise. Protection, loan sharking, numbers running, test answers, homework assignments, contraband, blackmail, and small beatings.

As of right now, I have sixty-four people under my thumb across three school districts.

Forty-four of them are children, ranging from second graders to seniors in high school.

One superintendent, two principals, one vice principal, five support staff, seven teachers, and three custodians are also under my influence and control. The money I provide them making up for their shitty salaries.

I don’t count the school resource officer as one of my people, though. He's a fucking rat pile of shit. But he does his job and looks the other way.

Cops don’t usually bother me, but when they’re as dirty as that fuck is it disturbs my internal compass. Eventually I’ll have to replace him with someone I can stand to be in the vicinity of.

How many of those people are under my sway because of my father’s notorious reputation and how many are because of the leverage I actually have on them is debatable at points.

But none of them will turn against me.

“I’ll be formally folding the company within the year unless I can find a suitable replacement for me as COO,” I say with a shrug of my shoulders. “I’ll happily step aside and place myself as the CEO.”

“You haven’t found a good replacement?” he asks.

I’m forced to admit a small defeat. “No. I haven’t found anyone I would trust with the dealings.”

He chuckles as if amused. “Adam, it takes a strong set of shoulders to manage the criminal underworld of three local school districts.”

“True,” I agree, “but when Crow Acquisitions folds, the void left behind is going to be interesting. I believe the loss of Crow Acquisitions will leave almost fifty-nine thousand dollars a month of revenue floating in the wind. Protection, goods, and services will come to a standstill.”

“Why not put Charlie in charge?” Simon asks from his desk.

“He doesn’t have the confidence of the others. They don’t think he’ll make the hard decisions,” I answer as Simon focuses on me and crosses his arms across his chest. “They don’t trust him not to fold when the heat from the authorities comes down on him.”

Not to mention if I put Charlie in charge of Crow Acquisitions, I’ll be putting my number one rival of Abigail’s affections ahead of my own self-interests.

Fuck that.

There’s no way I’ll allow anyone to be near her without being able to control it the entire time.

I have enough spies in her school to know every single move she makes. If Charlie even thinks of touching what’s mine, I’ll cut his fucking fingers off.