She nodded. “I guess that way it’s not my fault you’re out fifty bucks.”

I cracked a grin, grabbed both of her cheeks, and sealed my lips against hers.



As his lips met mine, I felt a rush of excitement wash over me. Everything faded away. It was just him and me with our mouths pressed together and tongues exploring. I rested my hands on his arms, and just let him kiss me with everyone staring. I didn’t care.

When we pulled apart, he wore a satisfied grin, and I couldn’t resist returning it with a playful smirk.

“Not bad for a bet,” I teased, my eyes meeting his.

He chuckled. “Best fifty bucks I’ve ever made.”

Laughter echoed in the subway car as we both faced his friends. One of them said, “Damn, Ezra. Looks like you’re not such a pussy after all.”

He turned and walked toward them as they started razzing each other.

“Okay. What was that?” Taylor whisper-hissed, her eyes wide.

I slid in next to my friend. “Guess they bet him fifty dollars to kiss me.”

“I know, and holy shit, you did it.”

I lifted a shoulder. “Yeah, but he’s cute, right?”

He was so hot with his light brown hair and perfectly styled comb-over and blue eyes. When I glanced at him and he smiled at me, it made butterflies flutter in my stomach, something I hadn’t felt in a very long time.

“Um, yeah,” Harper agreed. “Fucking hot.”

“I would kiss him too,” Zoe chimed in.

“See, Taylor? It’s not so bad that I kissed him.”

“Would have been better if he would have split the money with you,” she teased.

When we reached our stop, the doors opened, and we all stepped off the subway. I could still feel his lips as he stepped off and winked at me. I watched him walk with his friends in front of us and I briefly wondered if this was where we parted ways. Would a kiss be all that we would share tonight?

I didn’t have to wonder long before Taylor shouted to them, “Hey! Where are you guys going?”

One guy turned. “Pulse. You?”

“Same,” she replied.

The other guys looked at Ezra with shit-eating grins on their faces.

“Knock it off and just give me my fifty bucks,” he said and held out his hand.

“At least buy the girl you kissed a drink with it,” one of the guys suggested.

“Yeah, Ezra. That’s the least you can do since she had to swap spit with you,” another teased.

Ezra turned and walked backward as he spoke, looking directly at me. “If she’ll let me.”

I shrugged. “Not going to turn down a free drink.”

We followed their group toward Pulse. Occasionally, Ezra would peek over his shoulder as though to make sure we were still walking behind them. Once we got to the club, the line wasn’t that long. We got to the end of the line and I shivered, momentarily regretting that I’d worn a skirt and thin coat, but fashion over comfort any day.