And it would have been the kiss to end all other kisses…

“You can look at my report but don’t copy it word for word,” I say, meeting her eyes in the reflection of the window. “I don’t want to get in trouble again.”

Evie rolls her eyes and smirks. “Yes, Mother.”

Twisting away from the window, I glare at her and squeeze my ring hard between my fingers. “I mean it. I’m not getting grounded again.”

And I’m not giving my parents yet another reason to keep me away from Adam.

I know they’ve caught on to me pretending to visit Evie to see him, but they haven’t called me on it yet. Only limited the visits.

If I give them a reason to, they’ll probably stop my visits all together.

Evie’s eyes gleam at me and she sits up straighter. “Yes?—"

The door suddenly swings open and she cuts off with a squeak as Charlie pops his head into the room. “They’re asking for?—"

“Charlie!” Evie squeals with outrage and frantically smooths out her skirt. “You can’t just barge into my room! You need to knock first!”

His cheeks flame bright red. “I’m s-sorry,” he stutters. “I-I didn’t think. I j-just?—"

Snatching up a pillow, Evie flings it at him. “You will be sorry!”

Charlie doesn’t even try to dodge the pillow. He takes it to the face as if he feels he deserves it, and my heart instantly hurts for him.

Opening the door without knocking was an innocent mistake. I know he didn’t mean anything weird or perverted by it.

I frown. “Evie, that was rude.”

She gasps at me in outrage. “I’m rude?! Me?! He’s the one that barged in here without knocking!”

I could argue that up until recently we never had to knock. That as children, we were free to be with each other without worrying about such things. But it would be pointless and a total waste of breath when she’s this worked up.

“I’m sorry, Evie!” Charlie blurts out then his head disappears.

Putting my hands on my hips, I glare at her again when I hear him sniffling and shuffling in the hallway.

Tearing her own glare away from the door, Evie meets my eyes. “What? I’ve done nothing wrong…”

I shake my head like I’m disappointed in her then walk towards the door.

Evie’s shoulders slump and she wilts a little with guilt. She knows she could have handled that better. She knows that Charlie is the most sensitive of us all and he would never do anything to intentionally hurt us.

He’s incredibly thoughtful and considerate, and always going out of his way to do nice things for us. He doesn’t deserve the abuse she’s constantly dumping on him.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d think she does it because she secretly likes him. But she’s my best friend and she’s never confided it in me. If she did like him, she’d definitely let me know.

Like she has with half of the boys in school.

Pulling the door open all the way, I give Charlie my brightest smile. “Is it time?”

Charlie quickly wipes at his nose with the back of his hand and straightens his spine, pulling up his shoulders. “Yes. I came to tell you everyone is expecting you downstairs.”

Holding my smile in place, I ignore his red eyes and red nose. “Thank you.”

I start to turn back to the room, to tell Evie to hurry up so we don’t get in trouble for being late, but Charlie suddenly thrusts his arm out at me.

He smiles shyly and glances away, unable to meet my eyes. “I’ll escort you.”