Once we got to the platform, I looked down the way at a group of women around our age chatting in a circle. Once my friends saw me staring in that direction, they all followed my line of sight.

“Looks like we might not need to go clubbing after all,” Mike stated.

I snorted a laugh as I stared at the woman whose back was to me. “You think all of them are just going to go home with us after riding a subway together?”

“Maybe they’re going to Pulse too,” Jason speculated.

My eyes moved down to her toned legs, which were on full display below her short skirt. “Maybe.”

The train approached and, as the group of girls turned, my breath hitched as I caught a glimpse of the one I hadn’t seen her face. I was frozen in place as I watched her and her friends get into the subway car.

“Yo! Are you coming, Ez?” Chris yelled.

She must have heard my friend because, at that moment, she glanced my way and our eyes locked.

“Yeah,” I replied and got into the car one over from the ladies.

“Damn, Ez. You got the hots for one of them already?” Chris teased.

I rolled my eyes and lied. “No. Shut up.”

The “hots” wasn’t the right word, but I wasn’t going to correct him.

I sat in a seat across from Chris and Jason. Mike sat next to me. “Ezra, my man, tonight’s the night you break out of your shell. Dare you to kiss that hottie you were staring at before we hit our stop.”

He wanted me to kiss her? Maybe it was my lucky night. I tried to play it off because I wanted to kiss her.

“Come on, Mike. Kissing a stranger would be some sort of assault,” I teased.

“Ezra’s being a pussy,” Chris stated. “I bet you twenty bucks he won’t do it.”

I snorted a laugh and stood, ready to prove I wasn’t a pussy. “Make it fifty.”

“All right.” He grinned. “Fifty bucks you’ll chicken out.”

“Let’s go.” I started for the car the women were in, and my friends followed me.

As we walked through the connecting doors, the girls were chatting amongst themselves and unaware of the impromptu challenge. I hesitated as I stared at the one I wanted to kiss. With a sly grin, Mike pointed at her and whispered to me, “There she is, Ezra.”

I swallowed hard, instantly nervous even though I hadn’t been seconds before. As I moved closer, I wasn’t sure what would happen. Would she let me kiss her or was I about to be mocked by my friends and out fifty bucks?

Her eyes met mine again, and I smiled tightly. She smiled back, and I nudged my head for her to stand. She raised a brow, and I walked the rest of the way down the aisle toward her. She stood, and we met in the middle.

“My friends bet me fifty dollars to kiss you,” I told her.

Her gaze flicked to my buddies, and I glanced over my shoulder to see the three of them beaming ear to ear.

“They bet you to kiss me?” she repeated.

I nodded. “Yeah. They don’t think I will.”

“And you want to kiss me?”

I licked my lips. “There’s no one in this entire world I’d rather kiss.”

She closed her eyes briefly without saying anything.

“Can I?” I asked and glanced over at the women she was with as they stared wide-eyed.