“Do you want me to take you home and not call you again?”

The thought of not seeing Charlie again hurt.


“Okay, then we will figure out what to do next together.”

He wrapped his arms around me as I did the same to him.

* * *

Charlie and I checked out of the hotel and spent several hours in Bear. I purchased a new dress and changed into it before heading back to Sweetclover. The dress was blue with short sleeves and hugged my curves. As I walked out of the dressing room Charlie eyes moved down my body. He gave me a look that said he wanted me. On the drive back, we talked and enjoyed our time together. The closer we got to the city, the more reality was setting in. I would have to go back to work and deal with Eddie. I tried to ignore the feeling but it was hard. We pulled up outside of my apartment in the early afternoon. Charlie walked me to the door.

“What time do you get off tonight?”

“At closing.”

“And tomorrow?” Charlie asked.

“It depends on how tonight goes. If Eddie causes me problems, I may have tomorrow night off.”

“How about I come by and pick you up after work?”

“Do you think that’s a good idea?” I questioned him.

“I do. I want to make sure you are safe. In fact, I should drive you to work.” Charlie stopped outside of my door.


“He will not stop me from seeing you unless you want him to.”

“Pick me up by five.”

I kissed him goodbye and headed inside. I had a couple of hours before I needed to be at work. I dropped my purse on my bed and headed to the bathroom. I started the shower before I stripped out of my dress. I loved my new dress but refused to wear it to The Dive. It was a dress I would only wear for Charlie. I showered quickly and picked out one of my button-down dresses that were black. I pulled out a pair of black pumps from the closet. I dressed and did my makeup quickly. I didn’t want to draw too much attention to myself in hopes that it would mean Eddie would ignore me. By the time I finished getting ready and had a quick bite to eat it was almost time to go. I changed purses to a small bag and ensured that I had a couple of sleep potions in my purse. My stomach tightened as the time ticked by. I took a deep breath before I stepped outside, pulling my door shut behind me. As I turned to lock the door, I heard footsteps approaching. I looked to my right expecting to see Charlie. Instead, Eddie was in an all-black suit. He walked towards me; his eyes full of anger.

“Where’ve you been, Charlotte?”

“None of your damn business.” I stayed at my door, not locking it.

Eddie stopped in front of me blocking my path.

“It is my fucking business.”

“No, it…”

“I get whatever I want. I wanted Lacey the other night. Guess what I had, Lacey. I say I want you; it is your responsibility to give that to me.”

Eddie took a step closer to me. I placed my hand on the door.


Eddie grabbed me by the throat and held me against my door.

“Why do you wish to anger me, Charlotte? Be a good little girl.”

He kissed me harshly as I began to fight his grip. I hit Eddie as he pushed his body against me. His grip tightened around my throat the harder I fought him. His hand was grabbing at my body. Panic set in. I kneed him in the groin. Eddie released his hold on me as he backed away from me bent in half.

“YOU BITCH!” Eddie moved towards me. I opened my door seeing Eddie moving towards me. He grabbed my arm, slapping me across the face. The sting of his hit was harsh. He pushed me to the floor. I felt my purse slip from my hand. I crawled away as he stalked me. “Now, I’m going to show you what it means when you cross me.”