The drive from the club was easy. Charlie and I talked as he drove me home. He had been in Sweetclover for the last six months connecting to the hellborn underworld. He was a male who traveled the world as much as he could. He would choose a location and move, living in whatever city for a few years before moving on. It was typical behavior for most hellborns. We didn’t settle down in one location for too long because it became harder to hide as time passed by. I had been in Sweetclover for the last year and a half and had at most two more years before I would find another city to move to.

Charlie pulled up to the curb in front of my apartment building and stepped out of the car, opening my door for me. He reached a hand out and I took it as I stepped out of the car. Charlie walked me to my door.

“Are we still on for tomorrow?”


“Charlotte.” Charlie smiled at me.

“Do you think it's a good idea for us to go out?”

“Why wouldn’t it be?”

“After what happened with Eddie.”

“You are beautiful and the few minutes we have had in the car confirms what I believed.” Charlie smiled at me.

“And that is?”

“You’re smart. It makes me want to spend more time with you.”

I liked Charlie too. He was charming, smart, and not as pushy as most men or males but dating meant I was making waves. I didn’t need waves. On the other hand, I liked Charlie and it wasn’t fair that I couldn’t date or spend time with a male I wanted to.

“I will see you tomorrow then.” I answered.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“Tomorrow. Bring a swimsuit.”


“Trust me.” Charlie smiled at me.

I watched as he walked backwards with a smile on his face. I couldn’t help but smile at him before I went inside. I leaned against the door and set the locks in place. I kicked my heels off my feet and let everything from the night set in. Meeting Charlie was definitely the highlight of the night but the crap Eddie had pulled tonight showed me how far he would go. He had taken money from me by getting me sent home.

I undid my belt as I walked through my apartment and headed to my bedroom. There were moments like these that made me think it was already time to move. Eddie had been chasing me for months now. If I left Sweetclover, it would end all of it. The question became where did I go if I left now? Did I have the money to do the move?” I pulled my stash of cash from a shoe box in the closet and through the few tips I made into the box. I picked up the stack and counted out the cash. I had just over three hundred dollars. I looked at my apartment and thought how easy it would be to pack up. I closed the box and tucked it away. I was tired and pissed off. Tonight was not the night to make the decision.

I needed a shower and my bed. I headed to the bathroom with my pajamas in hand.

* * *

My shower only lasted about ten minutes but it was enough. I climbed into bed with a book in my hand. I had only read a few pages when my phone rang.

“Hello?” I answered the phone.

“Do you understand what is expected of you?” Eddie’s voice held a smugness to it.


“It is now time for you to fall in line or things will get worse for you, Charlotte.”

“Go to hell, Eddie!”

I slammed down my phone. I sat back as I let Eddie’s words sink in. Things were about to get worse. It was time to leave Sweetclover.


Going to sleep had been a terrible idea. I tossed and turned for several hours til I finally fell into a deeper sleep but even that wasn’t restful. I awoke the next morning exhausted. I lay in my bed for a while. I didn’t like the idea of leaving Sweetclover, at least not yet. It had beautiful views, with mountains close by. There were walking trails throughout the city and, for the most part, people here were nice. Eddie was the problem. Leaving was my best solution to the problem. I needed a couple hundred more dollars before I left to ensure I was okay but I didn’t think I could make that quick enough.