James had earned a scholarship to the prep school his sophomore year, and that was when he and the boys became friends. I never told him about the guys before then, content to have something of my own. But then it was as if the guys were always around.

They came to our house regularly. My mom loved them all. I’d never seen my dad so quick to kiss someone’s ass as when they were there.

As I got older, it seemed like our relationship changed. The guys spent more time with me than with James, though it didn’t seem to bother him. He seemed almost…happy about it. The guys and I made plans for the future. They always included me in their conversations.

I started at the prep school my freshman year, thanks to the guys who seemed to rule the town. Everything was wonderful until homecoming night the next year. All the guys played football, including my brother, so it was a big deal.

After the game, there was a party. I’d never been to one, so I was dying to go. James begged me to stay home. They told me this party wasn’t any place I needed to be. The guys agreed. Even said they weren’t going.

That was the night everything changed. I was home in bed when the red and blue lights flashing outside had me jumping from my bed. Had something happened to Mom? She'd been out when I had made it home from the game. I rushed to open the door. Standing there, knuckles curled to knock, was the sheriff.

“Adelya, is your mom home?” He’d asked. I remember shaking my head no. I couldn’t form words. “Do you know where she is?” I shook my head again. “Call her, Adelya. Tell her it’s urgent. There’s been a situation.”

It took Mom an hour to get home. An hour that I sat with the sheriff, trying desperately to get in touch with James. With the guys. None of them responded to my messages. All the calls went to voicemail. Were they ok? Did they do something stupid and end up getting arrested?

I could see them now, sitting in a cell laughing at whatever they’d gotten up to. It was enough to bring a smile to my face. Almost. But nothing could break through the sense of dread filling my belly.

The last thing I remember from that night was the wailing and screaming when we were told that James was gone. To this day, I don’t know if those broken sounds were coming from my mom or me.

"Adelya!" Mom's voice, closer this time, brings me out of my reverie. "I've been calling you for five minutes. We need to go.”

My mom met my new-to-be dad again months ago while she was working on some sort of project for the real estate company. They have a history. I've never heard her speak of him. Until now.

She’s done nothing but gush about him for six months as if they were always meant to be together. As if my dad never existed. This man lives in some town in upstate New York. What was the name? Land’s End, I think. Like the clothing company. I can’t begrudge her happiness. Dad was a royal asshole and abusive to boot.

I was glad when he died. Taking his own life was the best thing that happened to us. Losing James is the worst. Since his death, I'm a shell of who I used to be. Karma must hate me because it wasn't just James I lost, but the guys, too.

I met Maxwell, the soon-to-be dad, once. He seemed ok. A little frigid, but I could tell that he really cared for Mom and as long as she’s happy, I’ll cope with whatever I need to. I won’t lie. It helps that he offered to fund my college degree if I moved in as well. I could stay here in small town, West Virginia. The house is paid for. I have my money and I’m sure Shirley would give me my job back at the diner.

“Hey. Look at me.” Mom takes my cheek in her hand and turns my face to hers. “You know your brother wouldn’t want us to stop living. I promise the house isn’t going anywhere. It will always be yours to come back to. I’m just asking you to give this a chance. Maxwell wants to take care of us. Give you all the things I never could.” Mom explains. A tear escapes and runs down her cheek. That settles me somehow.

I straighten up and look at her. “Alright. Let’s do this.” I lead her out of the house and into the car. I don’t look back once as we pass the city limits sign.

It takes two days to make the trip to Land’s End. Two days of gas station food and roadside motels. I loved every minute of it. My mom laughed more the last two days than she has my entire life and I remember again why this move is so important.

Eventually, we pull up to a set of iron gates set back in the trees. Mom presses a button on the visor of the car and I watch as the gates open. She pulls through. The driveway is long and lined with the most beautiful flowers and trees I’ve ever seen.

I’m lost in the view of the foliage when the car stops. I rush to get out, needing to stretch my legs after being on the road for so long today. When my mother screeches in happiness and laughs, I finally look away from the flowers and toward the largest, most beautiful house I’ve ever seen.

Calling it a mansion doesn’t do this house justice. It is so large I bet this thing has its own zip code. It’s all slate stone, giving it a rustic feel. But what catches my attention is how the house itself seems to melt into the surrounding foliage.

I can’t imagine what it would have been like to grow up in a house like this. Do they get lost when trying to find the kitchen? I laugh to myself.

“Adelya. It’s great to have you here,” Maxwell says, wrapping me in a hug. I stand stiffly, my arms at my sides as he squeezes me.

“Um. Yeah. Thanks for having me, I guess.”

“It’s my pleasure.” He says. There’s something in his eyes that gives me pause, but it’s gone before I can decipher it. “Shall I show you to your rooms so you can get cleaned up and then we’ll sit down for a proper family dinner?”

My mom claps at that idea. “Yes. Adelya, just wait until you see your rooms.” She says happily.

Maxwell and Mom lead me down a hallway. “This is your wing,” Maxwell announces when we turn right.

“That is the game room, theater room, spa, and gym.” He continues, pointing toward doors. “There are three guest rooms. Should you want someone to stay over, they can use those, and that is Creed’s room,” He points to a door further down the hall.

“Creed?” I question.

“Yes. My son.”