His declaration of love momentarily stunned me, then I launched myself upward. Before my mouth landed on his, I whispered, “I love you too, Patrick O’Sheeran.”

As our mouths met and the passion inside of us flared again, I put my doubts and fears to rest. We were meant to be and to hell with anyone who thought or said otherwise. Maybe he was the one to cast a love spell on me. I couldn’t wait to see what other magic the next fifty to sixty years would bring us.



We were almost at Maeve’s parents’ house. We decided to talk to them first, then we’d go see my family. She was so nervous I thought she’d jump out of her skin. It was a decidedly big difference from last night, which was hands down the best night of my life. Just recalling our lovemaking made me hard and eager to do it again. She’d responded unlike any woman I’d ever been with. My releases had overwhelmed me and she agreed hers were the same.

I knew we would need more than great sex to have a happy and fulfilling life together, but I had no doubts we would have it. It wasn’t just her body that held me captive and tempted me to learn more. Her mind and how she saw the world made me want to see it that way, too. Already, in our brief talks in between bouts of sex, she’d talked about how the world could be. It made me wonder if mine could change.

As head of the Irish mob, my life was overall a very predictable one. I had to show strength and use my might to keep enemies from taking what was ours or from harming my family and those close to us. That meant I had to spill blood at times. I knew no other way of life, but Maeve made me dream of one not so violent or illegal.

I was pulled from those thoughts as the car came to a stop. Brian was my driver slash bodyguard again. He’d become my regular one over the past year. The house was a quaint, small bungalow in a quiet, unassuming neighborhood similar to Maeve’s. While the house was obviously taken care of, it wasn’t new or fancy. This wasn’t a family used to money. I looked over at her. She was biting her bottom lip and her hands were clenched in her lap. I uncurled her hands and took one as I gave her a gentle kiss.

“Mo grá, stop biting your lip. That’s my job.”

She laughed, which rescued her poor lip. I’d have to soothe it later, but right now, it was time to meet her parents. She seemed very apprehensive about it. If I was totally honest, meeting people never bothered me. I didn’t care if they liked me or not. This was the first time it mattered. I kissed the back of the hand I was holding. “Let’s go see your parents. It’s gonna be alright.”

She sighed loudly but let me help her slide over and out the door with me. “I hope so. They’re probably gonna think I’m crazy. Be prepared for a lot of questions.”

“I can handle questions and your parents. Come.” I tugged on her arm to get her to follow me to the door.

Brian brought up the rear, scanning the area. She fidgeted when we got to the door. I was the one who had to ring the doorbell. I rubbed my thumb back and forth over the back of her hand. It wasn’t long before the door opened. Standing there was a somewhat imposing man in his fifties I’d say and a woman who looked a few years younger and so much like Maeve, I knew what she’d look like in thirty years. She’d be just as gorgeous as she was now. I gave them my best smile as Maeve greeted them. I’d take the lead only if she couldn’t.

“Daid, Mam, hello.”

“Hello, Iníon, Daughter. It’s been too long. We were surprised to get your call. Who’re your friends?” her daid asked as he eyed me and Brian. I knew from his expression he knew who I was and he was wondering what the hell I was doing with his daughter. In our town, it was hard to find anyone who wasn’t aware of who and what I was.

“Daid, this is Patrick and that’s Brian.”

“Mr. Kelly, it’s a pleasure to meet you and Mrs. Kelly,” I told him as I gave them my best smile and held out my hand. He reluctantly shook it, but only briefly. Her mam merely nodded her head. She had a frightened look on her face. Damn, I’d hoped this wouldn’t be the case, but I should’ve known it would be. I’d have to work to get rid of it.

“May we come in?” Maeve asked. They slowly moved back to allow us inside.

As we stepped over the threshold, I turned to Brian. “Stay out here.”

“I’ll be walking the perimeter. I’m here if you need me.”

“Why isn’t he coming in?” her mam asked.

“He’s not only my driver but also my security. He’s just being cautious,” I explained. Maeve was the one to shut the door.

“I thought we’d have lemonade in the Florida room, unless you’d like to do it in the formal dining room,” she said. I could tell she was nervous as we were led further inside.

“I’d love to sit in the Florida room. It’s a nice day out,” I said. A Florida room was just a fancy name for a sunroom. Brian would hate me being exposed on three sides by screens but I wanted her parents to be comfortable. I didn’t need a fancy dining room to have lemonade.

When we got to it, I saw it was obviously a place they loved and used often. The furniture was inviting and there was a tray of lemonade already waiting for us. I let Maeve lead us to one of the loveseats. I made sure she sat first and remained standing until her mam sat. I saw the surprise on her face when I waited. My manners were impeccable, and I used them when they were needed. If I didn’t, my mam would tear the hide off me.

Once we were seated and the lemonade served, the questions began. Her daid was the one to take the lead on the interrogation. I couldn’t blame him. If I was ever lucky enough to have a daughter, I’d do the same and more.

“Our daughter, when she called, told us she had someone she wanted us to meet. Imagine our surprise when it was you, Mr. O’Sheeran. We had no idea Maeve knew you or your family or that you were friends.” I heard the censure in his tone.

“First, please call me Patrick. Mr. O’Sheeran is for mere acquaintances and work associates. As for knowing your daughter, I met her a few months ago. She has been treating my mam for her pain and has changed her life. I’m eternally grateful to her for that. My mam adores her.” I smiled at Maeve who gave me a small one back.

“Our Maeve does know her plants and herbs. I’m glad she was able to help your mam,” her mam said with a proud smile at her daughter.

“She’s a miracle worker,” I agreed.