The king stepped closer, but Emma didn’t budge this time. He tentatively raised his hands to the sides of her face without touching her. “May I?”

She stared into the eyes of the man before her, and even Emma couldn’t deny how much she looked like him. She recognized her own eyes in him, as well as her smile, down to the curvature of their similar nose. “What are you going to do?”

“Show you who you are,” he answered, then lightly pressed the tips of his fingers to her temples.

Emma gasped, her vision blanking out to a blinding light. Her breathing ceased as visions of a life she never lived flowed through her mind.

This man before her, with a woman who was pregnant walked along the side of a lake. Emma knew immediately this was her mother and father. How she knew, she wasn’t sure, but everything inside her screamed “Mom and Dad”.

The next scene was at their home, and her mother had just given birth to a baby girl.

“Emma,” her mother whispered. “Her name is Emma.”

The next moment, her parents handed her over as an infant, her father giving orders to the man who accepted her. “Keep her safe. She is not to know of this place until the time calls for her. Only then shall she return.”

The man nodded, and the scene changed to what seemed more recent times.

“We’re facing an ancient evil. It’s coming and coming fast. We must fight back to save our world, and there’s only one who can help us,” her father announced over the kingdom.

Emma exhaled a sharp breath, and her vision returned. She blinked back tears and gaped at the man before her, her father. She leaped into his arms and held onto the High King as an overwhelming sense of belonging engulfed her. The whispers of her true heritage, her dormant powers, had always been a distant echo in her soul, but now they surged forward with undeniable force.

"You are a sorceress, my daughter," the High King revealed and let Emma go from their embrace. “And a very powerful one at that. It is time for you to embrace your true self and fulfill your destiny in this realm.”

Emma's breath caught; her mind raced with the implications of her newfound identity. She had always known that there was something different about her, a spark that set her apart from others. Now, as she stood before the High King, her father, her true heritage was laid bare before her. She was meant to be a sorceress, to wield the very essence of magic itself.

As the realization sank in, Emma's heart swelled with a mixture of fear and exhilaration. She had longed for something more, an adventure beyond the confines of her mundane existence. And now, that adventure began to unfold before her and beckoned her to embrace her destiny.

The High King led Emma to a nearby stone dais, adorned with intricate engravings that depicted the ancient history of the realm. He gestured for her to sit, and she obliged, her eyes never leaving his wise and knowing gaze.

"Emma," he began, his voice carrying the weight of centuries. “Your powers are unlike any we have seen in this realm for generations. The magic that flows through your veins is ancient and potent. With proper guidance and training, you will become a force to be reckoned with."

Emma's mind swirled with questions, but before she could utter a word, he continued, his voice filled with reassurance.

"I understand that this revelation may be overwhelming, my dear. But fear not, for we shall guide you every step of the way. The realm has long awaited your return. We have watched over you, protecting you from afar until the time was right."

A sense of awe washed over her. The realization that she had never been alone, even in her darkest hours, left her filled with grace.

"The journey ahead will not be easy," he cautioned, his eyes filled with both determination and kindness. "But you are not alone. You will be surrounded by mentors, wise sorcerers who will help you hone your abilities and harness the magic within you."

Emma nodded, a newfound sense of purpose igniting within her. She was ready to embrace her true self, to delve into the depths of sorcery and uncover the mysteries of this enchanting realm. It was a path that she knew she was destined to walk, a path that would test her strength, resilience, and unwavering belief in herself.

The High King rose from his seat, extending a hand toward Emma. "Come, my daughter," he said, his voice filled with both gravitas and warmth. "Let us begin your training, for there is much to learn and even more to discover. Welcome home, Emma, to a world where magic reigns and wonders never cease."

With a surge of determination, Emma took his hand, her father’s, and felt a surge of energy pass between them. A new chapter in her life had begun, one filled with adventure, discovery, and the boundless potential of sorcery. As they walked together, surrounded by fantastical creatures and the vibrant beauty of the realm, Emma knew that she had found her true place—a place where she would become the sorceress she was born to be.

Then she remembered the last of the visions. What was this ancient evil?


Emma's heart raced as she stepped into the training hall, her palms clammy with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. She had come a long way since arriving in this strange new universe, where magic flowed through the veins of its inhabitants, and darkness threatened to devour everything she held dear. Under the guidance of the enigmatic sorceress, Selene, Emma had begun to explore her own magical potential, slowly unraveling the mysteries of her destiny.

The training hall was filled with the crackling energy of spells and incantations, but amidst the chaos, Emma's gaze was drawn to a figure standing in the far corner. Tall and striking, he exuded an air of confidence that demanded attention. His raven-black hair was swept back from his face, revealing piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold a hidden depth. Something about him felt familiar, as though they had crossed paths in another life.

As if sensing her presence, the man turned, and as their eyes locked, it was as though time stood still. A jolt of recognition shot through Emma's veins. She took an involuntary step forward, her heart pounding in her chest. The connection between them was undeniable, an invisible thread that spiraled and twisted, binding their fates together.

"Emma," a voice called, snapping her out of the trance. Selene, her mentor and guide, watched her with a knowing smile. "I see you've met Gabriel."

Emma blinked and tore her gaze away from Gabriel's intense stare. "Gabriel?" she echoed, her voice barely above a whisper.