His hand traveled down my body, and his thumb pressed against my clit, causing a jolt of electricity to run through me. He pushed his cock against my opening, going in for the kill.

Driving his hips, he forged ahead. I screamed, and he covered my mouth.

“You so don’t get it. You’re supposed to fight. It has to be this way. Just like before when I finger fucked you in that alley. I was supposed to scare you off of men. And it worked. You’ve not wanted anyone but me.”

“I hate you,” I managed before his hand got tighter.

“Do you really, though? If you don’t hate me after tonight, you will in the weeks ahead.”

Anubis didn’t take his time, and he wasn’t gentle as he rammed his cock inside me.

“Once it’s over, you can’t leave Edenvane. Not with your life. You’ll be my casket. We will be initiated together. We are either both in or both out. Do you understand? So, don’t fuck this up for me, Suede.”

Just like before, I floated away from the pain and the fear momentarily, coming back only when it was safe. When the pain became indistinguishable from pure bliss. When I was back, the bad guy was pounding me, searching for his release. I was almost there, too. I panted into his hand.

“You must obey me, Nubia,” he repeated as he slid his dick in and out of me, deliberately slow. His mouth was at my ear, his heavy breath tickling me there as he did things to my insides. “You’re mine now to do with as I please.”

About to come, I didn’t think that sounded bad at all.

“If you’re good, I’ll keep you at the next burial instead of trading you to one of my brothers.”

That changed things. Traded? Listening intently slowed my orgasm to a crawl.

“We start in the grave, and we will end in the grave. You do as I tell you and you’ll end up back here in this grave with me. I won’t choose a new mate. Don’t you want to be with the head of the Skulls? That’s who I’ll be once we make it through all the hardships we’re going to endure together.”

He uncovered my mouth. “Do you agree to do this?” he asked as he was frozen inside me.

“You said I didn’t have a choice.”

“You do. This journey with me or the river.”

“I don’t want to die,” I started.

“Do you want to come?” he asked, his voice turning to silk.

“Oh, yes,” I purred.

Anubis skillfully moved, coaxing an orgasm out of me. Once I finished, he pulled out quickly. He then came up my body and stuck his dick between my teeth, coming into my mouth. Half swallowing and half gagging, I protested.

“I have to fill every hole tonight. I came a bit inside you, too. Only a little. You’re not ovulating.”

Anubis knew entirely too much.

Out of breath, I asked, “What’s next, my ears?”

“No,” he almost growled, turning me over to my knees. “Luckily for you, it’s just the fun ones.”

I thought the worst was over. But Anubis knocked at my back door, the head of his dick pressing against it urgently. It was still hard. He was insatiable.

“Please, please, be gentle,” I begged him, my face in the cold dirt, my ass in the air.

I felt him bend down. His breath hit my pussy before he licked my ass crack. Wiggling his tongue, he made my pussy drip again. When he’d slobbered all over my puckered hole, he came back up and stuck a finger inside.

Holy shit. It felt too good.

“I thought this was supposed to hurt me?”

“My pinky,” he explained.