“Ah, a woman after my own heart.”

“And the rest of you.” Angie giggled.

Jeremy laughed as they entwined their fingers and walked outside without a care to who saw them. He was ready to tempt and claim his woman–again.


A month later, Angie stepped onto her brother and Jeremy’s construction site. After Jeremy had moved back to town, her brother and he had decided to start a business together.

“Hey,” Angie said as she wrapped her arms around Jeremy’s waist.

“Hey, yourself, Sugar. What brings you here at lunchtime?”

“I missed you.” She sighed as Jeremy kissed her lips. “I love you.”

“You know I’ll never grow tired of hearing that, but there are too many people here for me to show you properly.”

“I know.” Angie shuddered as the image of him, finger-fucking her flashed through her mind. On the other side of the wall he was erecting, they’d thoroughly christened the building for the new owners.

It still blew her mind that Jeremy was all hers and that he’d been in love with her as long as she’d loved him. How could she be so blessed?

“I wanted to tell you I got into the accelerated program. I should be done with school in twelve months.”

“That’s awesome. I know how hard you worked on your application.”

“I had to.” Angie pouted. “You won’t make a baby with me until I get done with school.”

“As much as I want to start a family with you, I want you to get your education more.” Jeremy ran a hand through his hair, leaving it standing on end. “You’ve worked hard on it. And I don’t want you to spend the rest of your life wishing you’d finished.”

“You’re right.” Angie sighed. Her future husband was about as sweet as marshmallow fluff. Their only argument so far was on when to start a family. She’d opted for immediately, and he’d put his foot down for college first. But it was hard to be mad at him. He treated her like a queen seeing to her every need. And a bunch of needs she hadn’t been aware of.


Angie smiled as Niles waved at her and walked to them. “How’s newlywed life?”

“Great. I’ve got some awesome news. Bailey’s pregnant.”

“Asshole.” Angie hugged her brother.


“Jeremy won’t let me get pregnant for another year. Not until I’m finished with school.”

Niles patted his friend on the back. “I always knew you were a great guy.”

“You two suck.”

“Angie, I’m sure the time will fly. Besides, you two can practice changing diapers on your niece or nephew.”

Jeremy flexed his muscles. “No sweat. Set a stopwatch and I’ll get it done.”

“When’s the wedding? You guys set a date yet?” Niles asked.

“We’re telling mom and dad tonight, but it’s going to be May nineteenth.”

“What’s the special significance?”

“That’s the day I fell in love with your sister.” Jeremy put his arms around Angie and kissed her open mouth.