Angie laughed.

Jeremy studied her as the rest of the guests piled in to take their seats. They chatted about school and his jobs in construction. Their easy banter quickly returned.

Angie poked him with her elbow. “There he is.”

“Who?” Jeremy glanced in the direction Angie motioned to with her head.


He raised his eyebrows. That’s who Niles thinks is a good match for Angie? The kid had to weigh one hundred and ninety pounds soaking wet. Jeremy pursed his lips. He guessed he was cute in a Labrador retriever kind of way. Then, he shuddered. The poor guy had no idea what was about to happen to him if Rochelle decided she was bored.

“Niles has been trying to get me to go out with him for a year.”


Angie put her warm fingers on his arm. Her pink fingernails looked delicate against the black ink on his arm. “Does he look like the kind of guy that knows what he’s doing?”

Jeremy’s eyes zoned in on her plump bottom lip. “No.”

“I don’t think so either.”

His thigh rubbed against her as he drew his chair closer to hers. “What kind of guy are you looking for?”

“One that knows how to melt the panties off a girl with one look.” Her fingernails traced over the image of an hourglass on his forearm.

“Is that so?” His breath caught in his throat as her touch sent an electric shock straight to his throbbing shaft. Would anyone notice if we leave?


Angie jumped and dropped her hand as Niles growled behind them. She flushed and turned to look at her brother.

“What are you doing?”

“Catching up with Jeremy.”

“I see that. I thought we put you next to Jeff.”

“Well –“

Jeremy smiled as he caught sight of Rochelle running her fingers down Jeff’s chest. “Jeff seems a little preoccupied.”

“Fuck.” Niles shook his head. “Never mind.” He turned his attention to Jeremy. “Keep your hands off my sister.”

“There you are.” Bailey grabbed her fiancé’s hand and laced hers through his. “Hey, Jeremy, sorry I missed you earlier. I’m glad you could come.”

“Me too.”

“Honey, I’ve got someone I need you to meet. He’s a potential client.” As she led Niles away, Bailey turned and winked at Jeremy. “Move quick.” She mouthed.

Jeremy laughed.

“What?” Angie asked.

“Nothing.” Thank God he at least had one ally in his quest to make Angie his because Niles appeared to be on a mission to cockblock him. Jeremy had spilled his guts to Bailey when she and Niles had started dating, and she’d been keeping him informed of how Angie was doing.


An hour later, Angie was on cloud nine. Spending time with Jeremy was as much fun as it had been when they’d first gotten to know each other. She’d expected to feel anxious sitting beside him, but he’d kept her preoccupied with stories about the jobs he’d worked, and the crazy things people wanted built.