It got to the point where he couldn’t get off unless there was some kink to it. Not in actual life. It just had to be in his head. But, he’d be fucking his girlfriend, and he wouldn’t be able to get there unless he imagined spanking her or choking her or calling her a bitch or—

He was probably twenty-two at this point. His girlfriend was nineteen. He’d broached the idea with her—well, he’d smacked her ass once.

She hadn’t reacted well.

She did not like that, she informed him, and he shouldn’t do things like that without asking, anyway, and what the briars was wrong with him? You’re not one of those guys who thinks degrading women is sexy, are you?

So, he stopped.

Porn, that is.

Cold fucking turkey.

For a while, he actually stopped masturbating, which was fine as long as he was in a relationship with a woman, but got to be torture if he was single for too long.

He was now thirty-three, and he obviously understood that there was a vast network of people who engaged in consensual sex of all kinds of flavors and intensity levels, that people negotiated these sorts of things, but…

Well, he wasn’t sure they should.

It seemed to him that there was a darkness within people—maybe more of a darkness within men than women. Men tended to be more violent than women, after all. There were way more men in jail than women. Like, ninety percent of the people locked up were male. That couldn’t all be because of some cultural bias that women were sugar and spice or whatever.

He knew that the idea of it, of forceful sex with a woman, it made him hard.

But he also knew he didn’t need that to get hard.

If he didn’t jack off three times a day, if he didn’t desensitize himself with porn, he would be able to be easily satisfied with sex that was lower intensity. And he was worried that indulging those deep, dark desires, it only strengthened them. He was worried that it wasn’t a good thing for him to do. Not just for himself, but for whatever woman he was with. And he thought, if more men would exercise a little restraint like he did, that maybe society would be better for it.

The thing he hadn’t thought about in this equation—somehow—was that it was possible that women liked it.

That didn’t seem to make sense, really. Why would women like being spanked or choked or being called a bitch?

Still, when Essence said to ravage her, he’d felt like a tongue of flame had licked up his spine and set him ablaze. That had been the best fucking sex of his life.


And compared to the sex last time, which had been awkward and awful, this had been molten. The way she’d sucked on his fingers when he was finger-fucking her mouth? She had been into it. Those noises she was making?

So, he wasn’t going to apologize, but he also didn’t know what to say.

She sat up. “I need to pee.”

“Oh,” he said. “Of course.”

“You’re supposed to after sex.”

“No, I know. Infections and stuff.” He sat up. “Well, you lead the way. You know where the bathroom is.”

She wrinkled up her nose. “I can’t believe I’m going to pee in front of you.”

“It’s not that big of a deal,” he said.

“Yes, it is!”

He put his back to her in the bathroom while she sat on the toilet.

She made him turn on the sink for her, too. “Fair’s fair,” she said.

He didn’t care, but he understood.