Ugh, she felt like death.

She was too old to drink like this. She kept telling herself this, and then doing it again, anyway.

He stood in the doorway, drinking his water. He finished it, and then held out his hand for her glass.

She handed it over. Funny, she would have never really thought of taking the glasses back to the sink right now. Maybe it would be nice to have Decker around to think of things like that.

She lay back in the bed, groaning.

He came in and crawled into bed and wrapped himself around her again.

She sighed. “Briars, you’re great.”

“Now I’m great? You’re giving me whiplash.”

“Mmm, it’s nice having you in my bed.”

“Yeah, I like being here, too.” He buried his nose in her hair and breathed in.

“Are you smelling me?”

“Mmm,” he said.

“You know that’s just the smell of my shampoo.”

“Nah, there’s essence of Essence in there, too,” he said. “Your smell is fantastic.”

“So is yours.” She nuzzled into his chest, breathing him in.

“Sleep,” he said.

“Sleep,” she said.

4:42 a.m.

“I CAN’T GO back to sleep.”

Decker had been drifting off. He opened his eyes and blinked hard. “Okay?”

“I hate how easy it is for you to sleep!”

“Okay?” he said again, groggy, tired, hungover, really wanting to drift off.

“Maybe you should go home now.”

He grunted. “Seriously?”

“Maybe if I have my bed to myself, then I can sleep,” she moaned.

“Look, if you want to roll over and put your back to me, that’s fine. Don’t kick me out. I cannot walk to my car right now. Please don’t make me.”

She let out a little groan and rolled over.

He shut his eyes.

4:54 a.m.

“LET’S HAVE SEX,” Essence decided, rolling back over to look at Decker.