“Well, I mean—”

But Larissa was talking.

He put the phone back to his ear. “Wait, what? I can’t hear you.”

“I can hear her,” said Larissa. “No surprise there, anyway. Like, duh, obviously you’re with Essence.”

He groaned.

“Put me on speaker phone,” said Larissa.

“Well, that’s…” He sighed. He put her on speaker phone.

“Hi, Essence,” said Larissa.

“Hi, Larissa,” said Essence.

“What’s your address?”

Essence sighed heavily but told her.

“Twenty minutes,” said Larissa. “Bye.” She hung up.

Decker set his phone down.

“Well,” said Essence, “this is all over the office Monday.”

“We have to ask her not to tell anyone,” said Decker.

Larissa did not work for the Tribune, but she did work at a food truck that was often parked in the parking lot behind the building around lunch time. Lots and lots of people who worked for the paper went out there to buy food. That was how Decker had met her in the first place.

“She’s going to tell,” said Essence. “She’s the worst gossip ever. That’s the whole reason I didn’t like you being with her.”

“You didn’t care that I was with her,” he scoffed.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I dated her to make you jealous, and you weren’t even remotely jealous.”

Now, Essence scoffed. “You did not date her to make me jealous.”

“Yes, I’m lying to you about this.”

“You used poor Larissa?”

“I mean, I took her out a lot while we dated. I paid for both of our passes to that bluegrass festival we went to. It was a whole weekend thing. She made out on the deal. I don’t think she suffered.”

“Sometimes, Decker, you are such an ass.”

He rolled his eyes.

She picked up his jeans and threw them at him. “Get dressed.” Then she disappeared.

He stepped into his jeans and wandered out into the living room to see that Essence was getting dressed. He eyed her. “You’re mad at me for some reason. And you weren’t in bed when I woke up. Where were you?”

“Just up, checking my email and stuff.”

“You got up to check your email?”