“That many things?”

“We seem to have a fundamental difference in the way we see the world,” he said. “And it’s manifesting now in this weird thing about sex, but I think it’ll manifest in a lot of other ways, and then we’ll get in a whole lot of fights, and it’ll be awful.”

“Maybe,” she said, shrugging. “It’s just that we seem to handle the disagreements fine as friends. I like that we get into intense conversations. I like that we don’t think the same things. I like you, because you have a different perspective, and whatever that perspective is, I like it. It’s never like we’re arguing in a way where we’re trying to hurt each other.”

“I know,” he said. “But if we’re in a relationship, it’s going to be different. You want your significant other to have your back in a way, and we have so many fundamental differences—”

“But we do have each other’s back,” she said. “I think.” She eyed him. “I think it’s about the sex, Decker. We get along. We get along fine. The only thing that we’re seeming to have issues with is the sex.”

He shifted uncomfortably next to her, wings twitching. For some stupid reason, his cock was twitching, too. Way to be an adolescent, Decker, and get hard just because someone said the word “sex.”

“You don’t want it to be the sex, because you think of yourself as above sex,” she said, rolling her eyes.

“I don’t think of myself as above sex.”

“Oh, please,” she said. “You’re terrified of your sexual desires and all you do is try to shove them down. The sex is the problem.”

“Look, I wouldn’t say it’s a problem, per se.”

“No? It’s been disastrous both times, just in different ways.”

“Look, I don’t want to hurt you, bottom line. And I don’t want to get out of control—”

“Well, you didn’t like it when I took control,” she said. “You said I was bossy.”

“That’s not why I didn’t like it,” he said. “I just felt inadequate—”

“And you promised me redemption,” she said.

“Which I guess I didn’t really fulfill, because you got yourself off,” he said.

“The choking worked me up, though,” she said, giving him a wicked smile.

Okay, he was really hard now. He shifted again.

“This conversation turning you on, Decker?”

His face was hot.

“Oh, are you blushing?” She was enjoying herself. She leaned in and nipped at his lips with hers. “You know,” she said in a breathy voice, “some people are really turned on by humiliation, you know that?”

“That’s fucked up,” he gasped.

“Are you turned on by humiliation, Decker?”

He nodded. “No.”

She laughed. She sprang up from the couch.

“Wait, where are you going?” he said.

“To get a White Claw,” she said. “I need liquid courage.”

“For what?”

“Well, I was promised redemption,” she said. “And I have an idea.”

“For sex?”