Which had been his intention, he guessed. Pretend that he hadn’t been vulnerable in that moment.

She was great, that was the thing.

Besides being hot, she was smart and funny. It was easy for them to be around each other. She made him laugh. She laughed at his jokes. They liked similar things, but even that… they didn’t like all the same things.

He was into sports, and she made it a point to loudly proclaim how not into sports she was, but he liked that about her, too.

She acted as if she liked him.

So, it hadn’t been out of the bounds of sanity to think they could, you know, be together.

Except, well, it had all gone badly.

First, he’d spent roughly two years working up the courage to ask her out on a date.

And then, when he’d finally done it, it had been a disaster.

He’d said, “Hey, Donovan is always teasing us about how we’re a married couple.”

“Donovan’s just jealous because he hates his wife and won’t man up and get a divorce.”


She had raised her eyebrows, looking at him, because he should have laughed at that, and he hadn’t.

“Maybe we should try it.”

“Getting married.” She’d deadpanned it.

He’d laughed. “We could go on a date.”

“Oh, tangles and briars, you’re serious?”

He’d cringed, regretting it. “No, never mind. Just throwing that out there, but forget it.”

“You’re serious.” She had shaken her head at him slowly.

He’d tried to change the subject.

She hadn’t let him. “What would the point of a date be? We already know everything about each other. Let’s just skip to the part of it that we don’t know.”

“Which is?”

“Sex, obviously.”

He should have insisted on a date. He should have insisted on the whole ritual of it. Getting dressed up, going somewhere together, opening the door for her. You couldn’t just have sex. You needed to work up to it.

But that was typical for her, really. She got scared sometimes. When she got scared, she liked to take control. He knew this about her. He liked this about her.

He got scared too. She was fearless, though. When she took control like that, it excited and soothed him in equal measure.

It just… in bed, her control-taking had been…

Briars, he’d never felt so completely, uselessly bad in bed before.

Maybe you are that bad in bed, and no woman has ever told you, spoke up a voice in his head.

He grimaced, flopping forward in his chair, setting down his pencil on his desk. Okay, well, enough of that. He could find a better way to spend the rest of his Friday afternoon than sitting at his desk and feeling sorry for himself.