His hand was at her neck, not too tight, but holding her down. His face was over hers. “If I get a condom, you’ll have to come along. We’re attached, after all.” He pressed down.

She couldn’t breathe, let alone talk. It went through her like a jolt. Her pussy clenched. Her body felt too sensitive.

He let her up. “That what you wanted?” he growled in her ear as they were both getting off the bed.

“Not if… not if you… I’m sorry,” she said.

“Oh, sorry, hmm?” He cupped her bare ass. “Did you do something wrong?”

“I… did I?” She was confused, but turned on, and her hand was tugged back here while he fondled her and then while he gave her a gentle little swat. She gasped.

“Your ass,” he breathed. “It’s phenomenal.”

She kissed him.

He was fumbling around in a drawer with his free hand for condoms, his tongue moving expertly in her mouth, claiming her there, and she clung to him with her free hand, for balance, and he spanked her again, and the chain from the handcuffs hit her bare skin, and she cried out into his mouth.

“Yeah?” he said, pulling away, searching her expression.

“Yeah,” she said, nodding, out of breath.

“I don’t get you right now,” he muttered, but he kissed her again anyway, and she pressed into him, finding his cock again, stroking it until he grabbed her hand and said to wait, that was too much, and they staggered and stumbled back across his room.

She fell backwards onto his bed and he came with her.

They collided, and she giggled and said ouch, because he was heavy, and he apologized, and she said not to apologize, and he tugged both of her hands up over her head and pinned them there and settled into her as she gasped and wriggled her pelvis against his.

They were both bare below the waist so she could feel his skin on her legs and hips and pelvis, and then his shirt against her breasts and belly, because her shirt was pushed up. She felt very vulnerable and very small and very trapped, and it was intoxicating, and she tilted back her head, showing him her neck, like a prey animal asking to be destroyed or something.


He took the invitation to kiss her there, to nuzzle her, running his nose over the underside of her chin. “No one’s ever asked me to ravage her before,” he breathed, unsteady, his voice a little raw.

“Sorry,” she said.

“You don’t apologize either,” he whispered. He kissed her chin. “What if I want to?”

“Um, that would be good?”

“No, I mean it, I…” He kissed her jaw, and his tone roughened. “All the blood is rushing away from my head right now, and I’m really turned on, so—”

“Good,” she panted.

“It seems wrong.” A pause. “Which is why it’s so hot.”

“Yes,” she nearly whined.

“What about you? Will it really be good for you?”

“Give me this hand.” She yanked her free hand out of his grasp and she put it between their bodies, running it over the hood of her clitoris, where she was sopping wet. She touched herself expertly and it went through her like a lit fuse. She shivered. “Take me, please. Now.”

He shifted his hips, and she opened her legs, and she felt the head of—

“Condom, for fuck’s sake,” he wheezed.

“Where is it?”

He was feeling around. His hand that was handcuffed with hers was scrambling for it on the sheets.