“Well, I really only thought it was bad because you did.”

She gave him a look. “So, until we had that conversation, you thought—”

“No, tangles and briars, give me some credit, I could tell you weren’t into it while it was happening. I mean, everything I did, you didn’t like, and I felt… inadequate and you… you’re just hard to please, I think.”

Her mouth dropped open and she stared at him in something like abject horror.

He scrunched down, squirming under her gaze.

“I am not hard to please,” she said. “You just have a fragile little ego and you can’t take direction very well.”

He cleared his throat. “Look, no other woman I’ve ever been with has been so bossy, okay? And clearly my penis is scared of you now. Nothing wants to come out of my cock in front of you.”

“Nothing wants to…” She shook her head at him. “What are you talking about now?”

“Tangles and briars.” He dragged his free hand over his face. “Nothing. Never mind. Let’s change the subject.”

“No, I want to know now.” She leaned back in her chair, looking him over. “We’re revealing hidden truths.”

“I, um, I maybe… faked an orgasm? Last night?”

She let out a little noise. He wasn’t sure if she was offended or surprised or in a state of disbelief.

It was quiet.

He tugged on the cuffs, just in case that was the hidden truth that needed revealed. No dice. They were still quite secure.

“Well, thank the tangles of time itself you did, because otherwise, it might have never ended,” she said finally.

His turn to make a noise. “Hey!”

She shrugged.

“It wasn’t that bad.”

She ran a finger over the chain on the cuffs with her free hand and didn’t say anything.

“You know what? Maybe I want a do-over,” he said.

“No,” she said. “Not unless you promise to actually listen when I tell you what to do.”

“I don’t really like being ordered around like that,” he said.

“Well, I don’t like being with someone who refuses to care enough about my pleasure to learn what I like.”

He made another noise. “That’s not… I obviously care.”

More silence.

She drank some of her drink.

He groaned. “Okay, there’s got to be a way where we don’t have to be… you know… during it, you bossing me around. Tell me what I was doing wrong now, and then when we have sex again, I’ll do it better.”

She rolled her eyes. “No, I need, in the moment, to be able to correct you.”

“I know I found your clit—”

“Oh, yes, you found it. And then you mauled it,” she said. “It’s a tiny, delicate, very sensitive bit of flesh, and you treated it like a stuck gearshift that you needed to press really hard on.”