Tears trace rivulets down my cheeks as I give into the pain, and I hate myself for showing them any sign of weakness.

It’s just more ammunition for them to use against me.

“I want everyone to leave. Now.”

My voice is shaky, but firm.

“No, not until I’ve got my money,” Tara snaps.

Até scowls. “You’re giving this woman money while most of our tribe lives in poverty?! Whatever you send her, you can send to us!”

“I am not an ATM! I work hard to support my son—who is my only priority!”

“You would turn your back on your people?!”

“No more than you turned your back on me.”

He begins shouting in my mother tongue while Tara cackles gleefully.

My head throbs as tension wraps around my skull like a vice.

Just when I think I’m about to explode, my front door splinters open, and there stands Bash.

Except, he’s not the kind, caring man I’ve come to love.

In his place is the nightmare he always warned me he could become.



The angry sounds coming from my mate’s apartment hit me like a slap across the face.

They seep out from under her door, loud and jarring when I realize one of the voices is Wyn’s.

She’s never been the shouting type. I doubt she even yells at Jake.

Even from the other side of her door, I can taste her distress, metallic and sickening.

Without thinking, I barrel through the door, the wood splintering under my massive form.

Using my Boggart powers, I fix the door before turning back to the room.

My gaze takes in the scene—a woman I assume is Wyn’s ex, a man, and my sawolkeh.

Tears carve a path down her cheeks as Wyn’s shoulders shake with every quiet sob.

The sight shreds my heart—I’ve never seen Wyn cry before.

She addresses all challenges face on with all the fire that burns in her soul.

The man spins to face me, and the woman gasps out a shriek.

“What is going on here?” I shout with menace.

My form blurs as I struggle to gain control over the volatile abhorrence leaking out of me as Shadows.

“What is that?”