“Usually cuddling happens after everyone has come.”

“That sounds like a made-up rule people have been adhering to.”

“Whelp, when you put it like that…it is.”

We both chuckle, the light sound doing nothing to dispel the sexual tension in the air.

“So, ah, just so you know, I probably won’t come again.”

Bash tucks his head into the crook of my neck. “No?”

“No—is that a problem?”

“Absolutely not, but deoring, do you want to come again?”

I turn to look at him. “If I could, yes. Trust me, I’m not passing on the orgasms.”

“And what if I told you that I have something that could make you come again—that I know is safe for you?”

My brain tries to work out what he’s saying but comes up with nothing.

“How, exactly, are you going to make me come again?”

“Do you trust me?”

I nod, and something navy and muscled lashes out, wrapping around my soft clit.

“Two words, deoring: mating venom.”

And then the tip of his tail pierces me.



My mate stutters on an inhale and then starts breathing like she’s run a marathon.

Her clit is swollen and hard, nearly triple in size than normal, and I can’t help stroking it with my tail.

“I…oh god, what?”

Poor Wyn is barely able to string together a sentence as I work her sensitive flesh.

“Boggarts use mating venom to inject their Soul Shadows, or sawolkehs. Every Boggart has mating venom, and how we use it depends on the situation. All of which end very pleasurably.”

Wyn mewls in answer, and my tarse strains in my pants to be released.

“Deoring, do you want me to keep cuddling?”

“Fuck my ass, Bash,” she snarls with enough ferocity that I think she might be part Boggart.

“Happily, my sawolkeh.”

I push her up into a standing position, shredding the rest of her beautiful dress while I make a note to replace it with a dozen more—all in jewel tones and precious silks.

Nothing but the best for my mate.

All that’s left is her bra and thong. I want to take my time, but both of us are riding the painful edge of need.