“Not at work!” she hisses while the scent of her need perfumes the air.
My tone is wistful—desperate, even.
With this, she slips out of my office, shutting the door behind her, and I sigh.
Maybe isn’t much, but it’s enough to give me hope.
At fifteen minutes to quitting time, the Chief Analytics Officer taps on my office door.
Sarah is my direct supervisor, although I interact more with Bash than her.
“Hey, great work on the Posado file. Everything looks fantastic. Want to go out and celebrate?”
I blink at the invitation. Usually, no one asks me to go out after work.
Then again, I also run out of here like my ass is on fire every evening.
“I would love to, but my neighbor is watching my son for me and expects me in half an hour. Thank you, though. Who’s all going?”
“All the department heads and their bosses, except Bash.”
My mind races with possibilities of what Bash might be doing instead…all of them dirty.
“Well, have fun!” I wave her off before finishing that last thing on my docket.
Once done, I gather up my keys and purse, hustling outside.
The wind howls, barreling between the tunnel of skyscrapers looming overhead.
Luckily, I pulled my hair into a French braid today.
Weaving through the throng of people, I peek at my watch.
Shit, only five minutes.
If I don’t catch this sub, I’ll have to wait for another, and then I’ll be late to relieve Mrs. Jenkins.
I zoom forward while mentally listing everything I need to do tonight for tomorrow when—
My face collides with something harder than rock, and I bounce back.
When I realize it’s a person, I start to apologize, only to see it’s Bash.
“You ok, deoring?”
“Sorry. I didn’t see you there. I was thinking.”
“In a hurry?”