“Cake for dinner sounds perfect. Will you two join us?”

My ex gives até a hesitant look.

“Erm, if everyone is ok with me being here…after everything.”

“I think it’s fair to say we’ve cleared the slate.”

“Let me order some real food—” Bash starts.

“Cake’s real food!” Jake protests.

“It is, but maybe some pizza to go with it?”

My little man whoops in victory at getting two of his favorite things in one night.

A small consolation considering the nightmare he walked into.

“Thank you,” I whisper to Bash, scooping Jake into my arms.

He nuzzles against me while my brave Boggart places an order.

When everything arrives, até helps me get out the plates while Tara talks with Jake.

I bite my lip, nervous, but Bash comes over to sweep me into a hug.

“Don’t worry, deoring, I’m keeping an eye on her.”

“It’s like she’s a completely different person…”

She and my dad both.

“Boggart nightmares do that if they don’t strip you of your sanity first.”

“Are you ok?”

“No, but watching you be strong makes me feel better. You’re the most courageous person I know, and I’m in awe of you.”

I blush as até sends me a wink.

“He’s a good man,” he whispers, patting me on the shoulder.

Bash calls everyone over, and we sit down at my weathered dining room table.

Tara gives Jake the biggest slice of pepperoni pizza, and later, até does the same with his slice of cake.

“Are you two going to spoil him rotten, too?”

“You know, I had an aunt who I was crazy about…do you think Jake needs a crazy aunt?”

My ex is smiling, but her hands twist around one another as she waits for my answer.

Without saying it, she’s asking permission to be close to Jake without ever disclosing that she’s his mother.

“I think everyone needs a crazy aunt in their life.”

Tara beams, and até chuckles.

“Goodness knows Wyn had plenty of them growing up.”