Page 104 of Bossed By The Boggart

“Oh, sure.”

The attendant hands her three rings, all of which bounce off the glass surface of the bottles.

“Ah, man. You missed!”

“You try, chi?kší.”

He gives it his best shot but doesn’t land any, either.

“Bash, you do it! We need to win a prize for Mom!”

I wink, and he giggles while Wyn narrows her eyes.

“Watch this,” I say as innocently as possible.

Being a Boggart has its advantages, and I land all three rings around the same bottle.

Even the attendant looks impressed.

“Nice shots! Pick your prize!”

“Hmm, how about the mystery box?”

The man tosses it to me, and I pass it to Wyn. The cardboard is nothing special, but I encourage her to open it.

Jake and I step behind her back, and I get down on one knee while my son puts his tiny hand on my shoulder for support.

When my mate finally gets the box open, she gasps and whirls around.

“Will you marry me, Wyn?”

“YES!” she screams louder than the rollercoaster rails clacking in their endless loop nearby.

Wyn launches herself at me, nearly toppling us both over.

I catch her up before tugging Jake into our embrace.

My mate grabs my face, kissing me until Jake squirms away.

She’s crying, the salt of her tears slipping into my mouth as she peppers more kisses on my face.

Her smile when Wyn pulls away is pure radiance.

Around us, strangers clap and coo at our declaration of love.

As the crowd’s applause fades to a hum, I tug Wyn back in for another hug.

“I love you, sawolkeh.”

“You never did tell me what that means.”

“Are you sure? I swore I did. It’s Bugge for ‘soul shadow’—what Boggarts call their mates.”

For this, I’m rewarded with the most dazzling smile I’ve ever seen on Wyn’s face, and I’m undone at the sight.

From the very beginning, it’s all I’ve ever wanted.

To make my girl smile.