Page 33 of Daydreams of You

“Yeah, even my parents. It took them a little while after I came out to get their head around it, but they like you. My dad especially. He worked for a marketing agency in New York, and he said you two had a great conversation at the ceremony.”

“We did. I can’t believe both of them are in their eighties. They were out dancing and everything.”

“Hm. Well, they were always outside, spending time in the garden or going on walks. Running after grandkids too. I know I’m lucky to still have them in my life.”

On the drive back Heather asked her if she had to get back to the coffee shop.

“Yeah. I’ll see if Danny will close up for me, but I’ll still need another hour or two there.”

“How about I cook dinner for you?” Heather asked.

Vanessa glanced over at her as she came up to a red light. “Really?”

Heather nodded. “Yeah. Why not? Unless you have very fancy kitchen equipment or something that I won’t know how to work.”

“No. Nothing out of the ordinary. Are you sure?”


Vanessa pulled into her driveway and let Heather into her house.

“You have a lovely home,” Heather said as she followed Vanessa inside. “I didn’t take any of this in the last time. I was so nervous, trying to figure out how to tell you what was really going on with Megan.”

“I was so tempted to ask you to stay,” Vanessa said, her car keys still in her hand. “I knew it couldn’t happen. Not that night. But I wanted you to.”

“I would have done anything to stay, but just knowing that we were on good terms was enough for me. Not that I got much sleep that night anyway. I thought Megan was going to flip out when I told her about us. I still can’t believe how supportive she was.”

“She cares a lot about you. That’s why. It’s plain to see.”

“And you too. Apparently, you’re her favorite aunt.”

Vanessa smiled as she leaned in, kissing Heather. “I wish I could stay, but I have to get back.”

“I’ll be here.”

“Open some wine. Make yourself at home,” Vanessa said, stealing one last kiss before she left.

In all of her short-lived relationships over the years, she’d never felt this relaxed, and that was after months and months of dating. This was so new to her. To be this comfortable with someone, this quickly. She was used to the gradual process of opening up, of slowly lowering her guard and letting another person in bit by bit. It was always an effort, always something she had to actively work at.

But with Heather, it was entirely different.

From the moment they started talking in that wine bar, it just felt right somehow. There was an undeniable chemistry between them that Vanessa couldn’t explain. All she knew was that being around Heather felt warm, exciting, and strangely familiar, all at the same time.


The sun was beginning to set over the lake, casting vibrant hues of orange and pink across the calm water. The mountains in the distance were nearly black in the fading light. This was Heather’s first Fourth of July away from the city in years, but she had to admit that this was so much more relaxing. Families and groups of friends had set up tables and folding chairs, others were on blankets like Heather and Vanessa were.

Heather sighed contentedly, leaning back on her hands as she took in the atmosphere. Fireflies glowed along the edges of the trees, and the fireworks were due to start any minute now.

Glancing to her left, she smiled at Vanessa who was coming back to their blanket, padding over the grass in her barefeet.

They’d been dating since March, but Heather still got butterflies in her stomach when Vanessa walked towards her, a part of Heather still not quite believing that this was her life.

They sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, just taking in the scenery and the beautiful sunset when Vanessa asked, “Do you think you could ever see yourself living here? Not right away, but someday?”

Heather raised her eyebrows, surprised by the question. It wasn’t something they had really discussed before, but Heather had spent a lot of time thinking about it. She knew she’d live here someday. That was inevitable if Vanessa was in her life. Heather would happily leave the city for her, but this was the first time they’d talked about it.

“Yes,” Heather said simply. “Definitely.”