Page 19 of Coming Home

“No. We do this every year. I leave him with plenty of soup and tea and whatever else he might crave, but I’m out of that house as much as possible when he’s sick. I can’t afford to take a week or more off work.”

Emily nodded. “Okay. I guess, I’ll see you back at the house. There’s still most of a bottle left.”

“Well, enjoy,” Rebecca said, and she left with Lucy holding the door open for her.

Emily must have had a delayed reaction, because it wasn’t until she’d sat back down that she realized that it was just her and Quinn now, with nearly a full bottle of wine on the table between them.


Ever since her reaction to seeing Emily at the Christmas market, Quinn had been caught off guard by the strength of her attraction to Emily. Before, it had been something she could admit to herself. She wouldn’t say it to Lucy, but she could appreciate that Emily had matured into an enchantingly gorgeous woman.

Quinn had been wrestling with those thoughts all night, but now that it was just her and Emily? Sitting alone in a cozy booth in the back corner of the wine bar?

The awareness was overwhelming.

Quinn reached for the bottle, topping up both their glasses. “Can I tell you a secret?”

Emily’s eyebrows lifted. “Yeah.”

“Well, Lucy knows, but that’s about it.” Quinn took a sip of wine. “Today’s my birthday.”

Emily’s mouth fell open. “Today?” She blinked. “As in, I’ve spent practically all day with you, without knowing?”

Quinn shrugged. “Yeah.”

“Well, happy birthday,” Emily said with a smile, picking up her glass and clinking it off Quinn’s.

“Thank you.” Quinn took another drink, knowing that she had to be careful not to move from slightly drunk to completely drunk. Because she wouldn’t trust what would come out of her mouth tonight. She had no intention of letting Emily know that she was the one with the crush now.

“Why so secretive? You don’t like the attention?”

Quinn sighed. “It’s not that. I mean, I would never want a surprise party. It’s more the significance of this one.”

Emily quirked an eyebrow.

Quinn figured she’d better just say it out loud to keep Emily from worrying about whether or not she should be asking. “I’m fifty.”

Emily nodded slowly, a ghost of a smile on her lips. “Thank you for telling me.”

Quinn took another drink. “I’m still coming to terms with it.”

“I feel bad though. Not knowing all day. I would have got you something. I don’t know. Dinner?”

“You can still do something for me,” Quinn said, an idea popping into her head.

“What’s that?”

“I’m sure you noticed the piano over there.”

“I did.”

“The bar’s nearly empty now.” Quinn looked over at the piano. “I’d love to hear you play.”

Emily laughed softly, her cheeks rosy. “That I can do.” She slid out of the booth, bringing her wine with her but leaving her jacket hanging up.

Quinn did the same, following her over, trying not to let her eyes linger too long on Emily.

Emily sat down, watching Quinn take a seat beside her on the bench. “We’re not very festive, are we? The nearly all black, I mean.” Emily’s eyes traveled over Quinn. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t play a Christmas song. At least to warm up.”