Page 13 of Perfect Chemistry

Feee-fi -Fuuuuuuucccck.

It was seven o’clock at night and I was still hard from this morning. From a single kiss. The worst part wasn’t that I was hard. It was that I had already showered and ‘relieved’ the pressure three times under ice cold water. This boner wasn’t just an uncomfortable situation, it was becoming stubborn as hell.

I hoped to talk to her after class, but Bradley had caught me sneaking out of the girls’ bathroom. As soon as the bell rang, he dragged me out the door for gossip hour. I didn’t know what to say, so I said nothing. I didn’t tell him a fucking thing about that kiss. I told him I had tried to sneak in to talk to her, but Kennedy came in. It wasn’t entirely a lie. Just not the whole truth either.

I picked up my phone to send Kat a message, but chickened out again. What if she didn’t mean to kiss me like that? What if she kissed every guy like that?

No. She meant that kiss for me.


God, that was hot though. We had talked about so many dirty things over the years, but she never made a move until this morning. Did she want me? Was that even a possibility all this time? How much time had I fucking wasted?

I finally decided to bite the bullet, face whatever this was, and sent her a text.

[We need to talk]

Straight to the point. She couldn’t misinterpret that.

An hour went by before I heard my phone ping with a message. I quickly grabbed it off my desk, but it was just Bradley reminding me about a weekend party.

I said that I would go if he drove this time. I really hated these things, but I promised that I would. So I called him back and confirmed that I would go. Then he dropped the bomb; Kat Preston was going too.

This could go really well or blow up in my face. I wouldn’t see her again before the party. Fuck. I couldn’t get drunk if she was going to be there. I needed to be clear-headed.

“How about I drive on Friday instead?” I offered him.

“You sure?” he asked back.

He knew I hated being the sober one when we went out. I couldn’t stand most of the assholes that showed up, but I could never bring myself to talk to her. Whenever she was there, I couldn’t be myself. I couldn’t speak to her like I wanted to, so I got drunk and made it all go away. Bradley knew this.

I sighed, “Yeah. You have fun. I will be the responsible one this time.”

Bradley laughed some more. “So how was your move received?” he asked, changing the subject.

I hadn’t told him anything about what happened in the bathroom yet. I hadn’t even told him about the actual gifts, let alone the kiss. I usually told him everything, but this time I kept it all to myself.

It wasn’t that I didn’t want to hear his advice, but I just couldn’t stand the look he would give me if this all went south. I needed to figure this mess out on my own. Then I could tell my best friend how royally fucked over I was.

“Earth to Kai!” he yelled through the phone.

I snapped out of my fog.

“Sorry. What were you saying?” I asked.

“I was asking if you wanted to go to Alex’s or that other kid’s. Alex is a known element, the other kid I am not too sure of.”

I thought about it for a minute. Like there was ever really an option. Kat wouldn’t go to an unknown place.

“You know what, let’s just go to Alex’s. It may be the last time we all get together before we graduate. Besides, that kid Nate is a sophomore,” I answered.

“Alex’s it is then,” Bradley agreed. “You still okay with driving?”

I smirked, not that he could see it. “Yeah, man. I’ll be the DD.”

“PAAAAARRRTYY!” he sang into the phone.

“Dude, I’m gonna let you go. See you tomorrow.”