Page 71 of Perfect Chemistry

“I know, I had you thinking I was some kind of super woman. But seriously, if you want to run together we can, you just need to let me know your schedule,” Mandy offered.

“Ok. I wouldn’t mind the company,” I admitted.

“Good. Now I need to go die in the privacy of my own house,” she told me before dragging herself to her house.

I shuffled up the stairs to my apartment. My legs were wobbly and face flushed red, but my mind was still. I hadn’t had this kind of peace in my head in a long time.

Entering the front door, I was hit with the smell of french toast and bacon. “Oh, my god, that smells so good!” I exclaimed.

Andie laughed at the sight of me. “Good run, I take it?” She asked, passing me my water bottle.

I nodded as I chugged the water. “Yeah. It was good. I didn’t remember us driving over all these hills though!” I exclaimed, closing the now empty bottle.

Andie laughed. “Seriously? The kids were squealing about the ’rollercoaster’ half the night!”

My eyebrows shot up. “Oh my god! They were talking about the main road coming in here? I thought…” I couldn’t even finish my thought.

Avery and Aiden had talked non stop about the death defying drops and climbs of the road, and I assumed they were describing a rollercoaster. I started laughing when the two experiences finally overlapped: their descriptions with how it felt running those same hills.

“Now, go get cleaned up. You stink,” Andie directed me.

“I am kind of ripe, huh?” I admitted, still chuckling.

“I can smell you from here!” Avery yelled from the dining table, pinching her nose.

I bit my lips to keep from saying anything more and ran to clean myself up.

When I was showered and dressed, Andie was waiting for me at the table with hot coffee, French toast sticks and bacon.

“Can you just stay here?” I asked, sitting down next to her.

Andie smiled, wistfully. “You and Avery both have school on Monday. I love spending time with you, but I miss my own bed.”

I nodded in understanding as I took a sip of the coffee.

“I miss screaming out my orgasms. Having to bite my lip and hold it in is messing with my libido, if I’m being honest,” she continued.

I choked and spit coffee across the table. “Andie!”

She looked at me like I was nuts, and stood up from the table. “What? At least now you know why we have to go home.”

I shook my head, and went to get a wash rag from the sink, when Andie passed one to me. “Thank you,” I mumbled and washed the coffee I had spewed off of the table.

When I was done, she pulled me into a big hug. “I love you Katiedid. I’m just a phone call away if you need to talk.”

“I know. I appreciate everything you and Jonas have done for me. You will never know how much, Andie,” I thanked her, my voice cracking.

Pulling apart from each other, we sat back down and I ate a second helping of the French toast and bacon. “When do you plan on leaving?” I asked, assuming it would be sooner than later, given the conversation topic.

“We’re going to leave late tonight. It’s easier on the road when the kiddos are asleep. Jonas already went back to bed, so he’ll be ready to drive tonight.”

“You made me French toast and bacon to pillow the bad news?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

Andie didn’t miss a beat and nodded. “Sure did.”

“So smart….” I commended her.

* * *