Page 21 of Perfect Chemistry

I couldn’t stop the blush that crept up my face. Thankfully, I could control my facial expression and tried to look serious for her. Then my mouth opened, and I couldn’t help but rile her up.

“Well, I didn’t want to go too hard this first weekend, so I’ll be keeping it light with just sex and booze. Lots of booze,” I emphasized, dramatically. “But next weekend, I plan on testing a line of blow. Nothing says adulthood like taking a leap with the good ole Columbian marching powder… Oh, and I was asked about jumping a local gang! So, there’s that too. My first tattoo will be whether I get in or not.”

I heard Andie choking on her coffee, my dad coughing from the next room, and then watched my mother explode.

“Katie Renee Preston!” She yelled my full name. “You are still my child! Don’t think I won’t beat your ass just because you turned 18.”

My serious expression broke, and I started laughing. “Seriously, mommy? You need to calm down. I am not as crazy as you two were in high school. It was a joke,” I laughed at her reaction.

“That’s not funny!” She grumbled.

Andie and I left shortly after assuring my mom that I was not actually joining a gang. Sometimes it felt like my mom had no idea who I was. She always assumed the worst about my character and my intentions.

Once we were in the car and away from my place, Andie turned down the radio and gave me the side eye.

“Ok. Spill.”

It wasn’t a suggestion. It was an order.

I couldn’t help but giggle and blush, telling her everything that had happened. I told her everything that Kai had said, from the birthday gift, to the bathroom make-out session, and then last night in the hay stacks. I put it all out there.

She was quiet and let me talk, laughing at my innocence in some situations and boldness in others.

“So, have you talked to him since?” She asked as well pulled into a strip mall the next town over.

I shook my head. “He hasn’t messaged me either,” I whispered, staring down at my phone.

She just nodded in understanding. “He will. He’s in shock,” she explained, giggling.

“What does that mean?” I asked.

Andie rolled her eyes at me as we walked into the shopping center. “I swear you both are so dense. Katie, he has had a thing for you for years. Years. Now, you not only confessed to each other but even knocked boots. Give him time. He’s probably trying to make sure that it wasn’t a dream,” she chuckled, seeing my shocked expression.

Finally, we stopped and looked through the glass windows to the people inside. “You sure you want to do this today? We can always do this another d-”

I cut her off, “No, I’m sure. This is happening today.”

* * *

Kai’s POV

I had crashed when I got in this morning and then immediately woke up at seven when my alarm went off. We had an away game this afternoon, and the whole team had to meet at the school by eight. I didn’t have time to think about anything else other than getting cleaned up, grabbing my gear and rushing out the door.

I heard a couple of the guys on the bus whispering, but I just ignored them. I was replaying everything from last night because it really had not sunk in. After we dropped Katie off, I told her I would call her later.

Kat knew we had an away game, and it wouldn’t be until later that we could talk. Coach never allowed us to use our phones on game days. In fact, he collected them in a box as we boarded the bus. It was to prevent us from losing focus before a game.

I didn’t need my phone to lose focus. My mind was replaying last night. Over and over and over. Kat Preston was mine. She hadn’t been with anyone else. Just me. I leaned my head back against the seat and tried to not think about everything that happened. The last thing I needed was getting hard with a bus full of guys. I felt my dick twitch.

“Fuuuuuucck,” I muttered under my breath, trying to find something else to think about.

We had a two-hour drive, and I needed a distraction. I called out to a couple of the other guys and started talking about the other team’s line-up, strengths and weaknesses. Before I knew it we were there, and filing off the bus.

The game was not our best, but we managed to eek out a win with two runs in the ninth inning. Considering they were ranked as a top team in the State, it wasn’t a bad outcome. The coach still railed us about our discipline and poor communication the whole way back.

By the time I was back home and finally able to think about everything clearly, it was almost six o’clock at night. I had sent Kat a message saying that we were back. Asked how her day went.

I wanted her to come over, but I wasn’t ready to share this news with my family. I needed to see her.