“What’s going on is none of your business,” he told him firmly. “It’s mine.”

“If you want the girl, grab her and get back here. Heard some rumors I don’t like about what’s goin’ on down there in New Orleans.”

“What do you mean? What rumors?”

“Someone is gunnin’ for Regent Malone, and you don’t want to be caught in the crosshairs.”


The call ended.

He needed to talk to Regent.

Liam waited until they got back to the Malone mansion to speak to Regent. The house was quiet, everyone else in bed. He followed Regent into his office.

“I need to talk to you.”

“What is it?”

“My grandfather called me.”

Regent stared at him. “What did Sean want?”

“To warn me that he’s hearing rumors about someone coming after you.”

“He’s hearing this from New York?”

“Grandfather has ears everywhere.”

Regent nodded thoughtfully. “Thanks for the warning. Appreciate it.”

Liam didn’t like being dismissed, but the fact was he had better places to be.

Lottie awoke with a scream hovering on her lips.

Her breathing was ragged, her pulse so fast that she felt ill. Sitting up, she glanced around, the nightmare overlapping with reality.

Home. She was home.

Moving to the side of the bed, she stood and walked into the bathroom. The light was on. She couldn’t sleep in the dark anymore. She had trouble sleeping at all. Splashing water on her face, she stared at the woman in the mirror.

Pale, too thin, haunted.

She leaned her hands on the counter and bent over, letting out a strangled scream. She was so sick of this.

She was not weak.

He couldn’t have this hold over her anymore. She refused to allow him that power. Finally, she pulled off her nightgown, it was plastered to her body with sweat, and threw it in the hamper. Then turning on the shower, she climbed in before it had even started to heat up. She shivered in the cool, trying to remind herself that she was alive.

She’d survived.

She was a survivor.

Getting out, she dried off then moved into her bedroom to pull on some pajamas. Then she sat on the bed, feeling exhausted. There was no point of going back to bed. She wouldn’t sleep.

You should call them.

They’d made her promise to call if she had a nightmare. Two nights had passed since she’d watched Nico suck Liam off. She hadn’t seen Liam much since then, he’d been busy with her brother.