“I doubt she’s ever been punished before.”

“Oh, I can guarantee she hasn’t,” Liam replied. “She’s been spoiled and coddled all her life.”

“There’s something wrong with that?” Nico asked.

“Not at all. And I intend to continue doing that.”

“You? Spoil and coddle someone? Do you know how?”

“Do I not spoil and coddle you?” Liam asked, leaning in to nip at Nico’s neck.

His heart sped up. “Fuck, no. I’d kick your ass if you did.”

“Doesn’t mean I can’t learn how. With Lottie, I feel different. Not more. Just different.”

Nico got Liam’s confusion. He wasn’t used to caring about people. It had been hard for him to open up with Nico, so letting Lottie in wasn’t easy. In his more bitter moments, he’d wondered if Liam made the early call not to pursue any feelings for her because it was easier for him. Not because of her traumatized state.

“Lottie feels out of control. When those feelings get too much, that’s when she likely hurts herself. Or thinks about it. She worries about going out into the world because there’s so much unknown. We need to help her find some control. We can help her.”

There was a gleam of knowledge in Liam’s face. Nico knew he was talking from experience.

“My world was out of control when I started boxing. Fighting gave me the rush I was looking for.”

“And you nearly killed yourself doing it.”

Liam nodded. “But I learned ways of coping over the years. Of honing my control. You helped with that. Showed me how to feel. And that I could be in control without being a complete jerk.”

“Yeah, I don’t know about that. You’re still kind of a jerk.”

“You know, I’m sure I could send one of Regent’s guys out for an extra-large butt plug and some chili lube.”

Nico’s eyes widened. “That won’t be necessary.”

“Hmm. We’ll see. I’m going to need to get some things if we’re going to be here a while.”

“How long can we possibly stay? Regent is going to get suspicious. And what about work?”

Liam owned several gyms, juice bars and restaurants. Everything was now legitimate and he had managers, but there were still things he had to do.

“I can work from here for a while. And I’ve got a plan for keeping Regent from suspecting anything.”

Nico rolled his eyes. He should have known. Liam always had a plan.

“But it might involve me being away, so you’re going to have to watch Lottie. And work on convincing her that we really do want her. That this could work.”

“What are you going to do?” Nico asked.

“I’m going to find Regent’s rat.”


“I’ll try to be seen with Regent. People aren’t really used to seeing us together. I’m thinking it will create some rumors. Especially if someone pushes the idea that I’m looking for a business partner.”

“But you’re completely legit now.”

“Doesn’t mean that I’m going to stay that way. Many of them do know who my grandfather is.”

“Oh, fuck, he’ll kill us.”