“We were giving you time to heal,” Nico explained.

Liam clenched his jaw. “I didn’t think you’d want me. I’m rough, harsh, I have a lot of darkness inside me.”

Nico and Lottie gaped at him.

Standing, he started to pace. “You were hurt. You were terrorized. It takes time to get over shit like that. Thought I was all wrong for you. Told myself I’d give you time. Ended up giving you too much time and messing it all up. Now you’re hurting yourself. You still have panic attacks. Probably nightmares too. Staying away didn’t make things better, if anything it made things worse because you doubt it when we tell you we want you. That we want you no matter what. No matter if you can’t be our sub. No matter if you have issues. Issues that are not a fucking joking matter. So, this is what is going to happen.”

“Oh, hell,” Nico muttered.

“You disagree with me?” he barked at Nico.

Nico looked at him then down to Lottie. “Not the sentiment, but maybe the delivery.”

“Suck it up. This is how it’s got to be.” He stared down at Lottie. “We want you, Lottie. You’re ours. The only thing that’s going to stop us from claiming you is if you say you don’t want us. If you don’t feel attracted to us, then tell us now and we walk away.”

“And if I don’t tell you that. Then what?”

“Then we stay. Then we prove to you that this can work. I’m likely too rough and dark for you. Maybe you’d be better off with just Nico. But I’m not giving either of you up, so yeah, you’ve got to suck it up too.”

“She’s not hesitating because she only wants me,” Nico said.

Liam turned to her. Needing to hear it from her.

She was staring at him, her mouth slightly open.

“Doms have insecure moments too,” Nico said to her. “Liam thinks you just want me because how could you want a beast like him?”


“Uh-huh,” Nico replied.

“That’s so stupid,” she muttered.

“Yep. Doms have their stupid moments.”

“Do you?”

“Me? No, never. I’m perfect.” Nico winked at her.

“If you’ve both finished, I’d like an answer.”

“Was there a question in there somewhere?” Lottie asked. “Because it seemed to me like you were demanding that I want you both, even though you seem think that you’re not good enough for me. Not sure where you’d get that idea.”

“You don’t know everything about me. There are things I’ve done that aren’t good. In fact, for most of my life, I’ve lived in the shadows. The only good thing I’ve ever done in my life is love Nico.”

“Bullshit,” Nico coughed into his fist.

“Got something to say, my husband?” Liam drawled.

He saw Lottie stiffen slightly.

“Marshmallow,” Nico said, making Lottie relax and smile.

It was irritating not to know the joke, but if it helped ease her tension around him, then he could deal until he got it out of Nico.

“Liam, you’re forgetting who my family is,” Lottie said. “Do I love my brothers less because of the things they do? No.”

“They’ve sheltered you,” Liam pointed out. “They never let that stuff touch you.”