Liam had his hands resting on the door, his head was bent. He wasn’t wearing a jacket, and his shirt stretched across his back. Any more pressure and she worried it might rip. Then he might burst out of it like the Hulk.

Actually, she could totally see that happening.

“She needs support, Liam. Not for you to lose it at her brothers,” Nico told him.

“Why is he so mad?” she asked. “I really don’t understand.”

“You don’t understand because I was fucking stupid,” Liam said.

Nico turned her on his lap, so she was sideways, facing Liam who still had his back to them. He gently pressed on her legs, getting her to let them go so they hung over the edge of his lap. No one had held her like this in years. She shouldn’t like it as much as she did. These guys weren’t hers. They never would be.

Except they were acting rather protective for men who had no attachment to her.

“We should have known, Nico. Why didn’t we know?” Liam asked, pain in his voice.

“I know,” Nico replied.

“My fault. I kept you away. Told you we needed to keep our distance from her.”

“You didn’t know, Liam,” Nico told him.

She felt like an intruder in their private conversation.

“Should have. Fucking should have. Look at her knuckles. Her arm. She can’t leave the property without a fucking panic attack, and she has to control her emotions by harming herself.”

She flinched.

“Liam,” Nico warned. “Stop.”

Liam turned so suddenly that she gasped and leaned into Nico.

“He’s only this upset because you’re hurt and he blames himself,” Nico explained to her.

That made no sense. Why would he blame himself?

Suddenly, Liam was kneeling in front of them again. He gently grabbed hold of her hand, running a finger lightly over her knuckles. He was silent for a long while, so long she didn’t think he was going to say anything again.

“Why did you hurt yourself today, baby?” he finally asked.

She couldn’t tell him. This was something she didn’t speak to anyone about. Well, except her therapist but they’d gotten rid of her. She’d started to pay more attention to Regent than Lottie.

“It was my fault that Ace got hurt.”

Nico made a noise, but Liam glanced at him, and he didn’t say anything.

“So, you blamed yourself?” Liam asked.

“Of course.”

“What if he’d done that while Regent was watching him? Would you expect Regent to punish himself?” Liam asked.

“I wasn’t punishing myself.”

Weren’t you?

“I didn’t really mean to hurt myself, though. I just got so angry, and I needed a way to relieve the pressure. So, I punched the wall.”

“So, you felt out of control?” Liam asked.