Lottie managed to step outside. But the whole world spun dizzyingly. She was barely coherent as Eleanor practically dragged her toward a town car with tinted windows. She was shoved inside and landed against someone. As she managed to right herself, she stared up into a familiar-looking face.

“M-Michael?” She gasped for breath. Panic had her in its tight grasp and wasn’t letting go.

Michael smiled down at her, his eyes cold and calculating. Then something pricked her neck, and the world went black.

Liam answered his phone without paying much attention to who it was.



He frowned, recognizing the voice but unable to place it.

“Yeah? Who is this?”

“It’s Jardin, Lottie’s brother.”

“Everything okay?”

“That’s what I hope you can tell me. Are you with Lottie?” he asked.

“No, but Nico is.”

“Well, Ace was just talking to Lottie, and he said some lady came in and interrupted their call.”

“What? Who?”

“I don’t know. Lottie ended the call. But before she did, she told him that she’d come home for Maxim’s birthday. They’d just been talking about Keir’s birthday.”

“Maybe she got confused.”


A strange feeling filled him.

Who could the woman be?

“But you need to check on her. And Liam? She better be fucking all right or it’s on your head.”

“Fuck.” He ended the call and was about to call Nico, when his phone vibrated.


“Grandfather, I don’t have time to chat—”

“There some reason why your girl would get into a car with your stepmother?”

He stilled.

A woman’s voice.


“What the hell? How would you know . . . I told you not to put guys on me.”

“I didn’t put anyone on you. I have someone watching the apartment. They just called me to tell me that your girl got into a town car with some old, well-dressed, pinched-looking bitch. I instantly knew that it was Eleanor. Your girl was pale, barely standing.”

“Fuck. She must have threatened her. She wouldn’t leave the apartment otherwise. Was Nico there?”