“I need to do this, Regent. I need them. If you can’t handle this happening, then we’ll have to go elsewhere. It’s not an ultimatum. I understand it. I’m your little sister. You’ve protected me for so long. I don’t want to upset you.”

“Fuck. Fuck.” Regent leaned his head back, looking up at the ceiling.

“This is your home,” Victor finally said. “You’ll stay here. Where you feel safest.”

“And Liam and Nico?”

Regent groaned. Lifted his head to look at them all. “They can stay.”

“And you won’t do anything to them,” she pressed.

“Of course not.”

“Promise,” she pressed.

“I promise.” The words were wrested from him, but she knew he meant them.

It wasn’t acceptance. And their friendship was likely ruined. But it was enough. For now.

“Now that that’s settled,” Victor moved his gaze to Liam, “I want to hear about how you ended up with my sister the night she was rescued. And why we’ve never heard about this until now.”

Right. That. She was dying to know about that as well.

“I always thought it was a weird dream,” she said before Liam could speak. “That for some reason, I kept planting you into my nightmares. I could never work out why my brain was putting the guy I was attracted to into my nightmare.”

“Well, if that’s what it was doing, I’d be there too, right?” Nico joked. Or tried to joke because she thought she saw a flash of hurt in his gaze.

He hid it behind a smile and a smart mouth, but she knew she saw it.

“Which is exactly why I couldn’t understand it,” she said, climbing over into his lap.

Regent grunted. “Two guys. Seriously. What is happening? Is it something in the water? First Jardin, now Lottie. If you tell me you have two women locked up in a dungeon somewhere, I’m going to lose my mind.” That last part was directed at Victor who just stared back at him.

“It’s the Texas Malones fault,” Regent muttered. “They live in that town, with all that polyamory. They’ve infected us.”

She just shook her head at Regent.

“And couldn’t it have been a normal guy? Not . . . not him.” He waved a hand at Liam.

“What’s wrong with Liam?” she challenged.

She glanced up at Liam, wondering if he was feeling insulted. But he was smiling. Men. They never reacted how she thought they would.

“He’s a damn criminal.”

“Um, Regent,” she said slowly.

“Yes, I know,” Regent said. “But why couldn’t it be someone safe? An accountant or doctor or something. It’s not too late. I can find you one.”

“We’re not talking about finding me a dog.”

“Do you want a dog?” he asked desperately. “How about a horse?”

She groaned and pressed her face into Nico’s neck, breathing him in and letting him soothe her. “Someone please tell him that I’m not ten. He can’t bribe me with a pony.”

“It was worth a shot,” Regent muttered. He met her gaze as she turned her face and grimaced.

“I want them, Regent.”