“Liam,” she growled. “What do you have to say to me?”

“Hmm, I’m not sure.”

“Are you overly fond of your balls? Because Nico and I were thinking of taking up tennis.”

“Great idea, pretty girl,” Nico said. “But maybe we should play golf. I don’t think his balls would bounce enough for tennis.”


“Neither of you are getting hold of my balls. Brats.”

She caught sight of her brothers, both of them were staring at her like they’d never seen her before.

Then Liam grasped her chin and tilted her face back. “I love you too, Charlotte Rosa Malone.”

Then he kissed her. It wasn’t quick and it wasn’t light. She could practically feel the testosterone amassing in the room as he drew back.

“You fucker,” Regent spat out.

Liam met his gaze, his face growing cold. “Mine.”



She sighed. “Both of you stop. You’re both acting like I can’t make up my own mind. I’m not a child, as Nico pointed out.”

“Hear, hear,” Nico cheered.

“As I was saying. I love everyone in this room. And none of you are going to hurt each other. Not because you think you know what’s best for me. I know what’s best for me.”

“Lottie,” Regent said, with doubt in his voice. It hurt, even though she told herself she only had herself to blame.

“I get it,” she told him gently. “For so long, you’ve taken care of me. Made all the decisions. And I’ve needed that. But I’m growing stronger, Regent. Don’t you want that? For me to be stronger?”

“Of course, I do. But you don’t have to be with the two of them to do that.”

“I’m not with them to feel stronger. But I do feel better with their support. They stand with me, help me.”

“You barely know them,” Victor pointed out.

“I’ve known them for years. It’s just . . . I didn’t realize I felt this way toward them until lately.”

“I don’t know how you can love them in such a short time. How do you know you do? How do you know it’s not just something else, something that you’re mistaking for love?” Regent asked.

“Like lust?” she asked.

Regent grimaced.

“All right,” she conceded. “So we’ll just have to spend more time together to know for sure.” There, she had him.

“Fuck,” Regent said. “I don’t want them here with you.”

“Then I’ll have to go with them,” she told them.

They all gaped at her. Her pulse sped up, her palms growing sweaty at the thought.

“No,” Regent said.