And he never let go of what belonged to him.

“Regent told me the plan. You really think the rat will come out of the woodwork?”


Probably more likely if he actually did some circulating. He needed to be seen.

“I’m going to let it be known that I’m looking for business partners.”

“You want people to think you’re acting on your grandfather’s behalf? Sean okay with that?”

“He’s fine with it.” Not really. “All I’m looking for is a better offer than from your brother. Or that’s what we want the rat to think. You don’t think it will work?”

Victor shrugged, looking out. “Maybe. What I want to know is what’s in it for you?”

“There has to be something in it for me? I can’t be doing this out of the goodness of my heart?”

“Come on, Liam. Known you a while now. You don’t have a heart.”

“That’s not true. Might be easier if it were.”

Victor looked down at where his hands were tight around the balustrade.

“Regent is distracted at the moment.”


“Yeah. But he’s gonna start noticing what I have.”

“You’ve been home a day. What could you have noticed?”

“Play with fire, you’ll get burned.”

Liam stared at him coolly. “I’ve played with fire my entire life. I always come out on the other side. Scorched, burned but whole.”

Victor stared at him. “Just make sure that no one else gets burned. Or I will destroy you.”

Fuck. Victor was back one day and he’d figured out something was going on. He was right, Regent might be distracted but it wouldn’t take him long to figure it out.

Liam sent a text to Nico and Lottie.

Liam: Tomorrow we tell them.

Liam resisted yawning as they walked back into the house. Maxim had stayed at the club. He had his own apartment in the city anyway.

Fuck, he was too old for this.

“I’m too old for this,” Nico complained, as though he’d read his mind.

Victor just grunted.

“Anything happen?” Regent snapped at him.

“No, not yet.”

“It’s not working. We might have to pivot.”

“It’s only been a few days,” he pointed out.