Now that Liam was fully onboard, Nico knew he wouldn’t stop at anything to get her. To claim her.

But he wanted to tell her everything. Liam shot him a look, part-amusement but with an undercurrent of steel.

“You all right there, Nico?” Liam asked as he sat back on the sofa next to Lottie. Liam had his arm over the back of the sofa.

Nico sat on the armchair across from them. “Fine.”

“Does he . . . I mean . . . will you . . .” She pointed down at Nico’s erection which was pressing uncomfortably against his jeans. Her face was bright red.

“Am I going to do something about his painful erection?” Liam mused.

“Um, yes,” she squeaked.

“No, I think I’ll let him suffer for a while.”

Her eyes went wide. “Okay.”

“Okay? Don’t you think he’s being cruel, pretty girl?” Nico asked, palming his erection and giving her a sad look. “I mean, if you were to ask, I’m sure he’d get down on his knees and suck me off.”

Liam shot him a warning look. “Be careful, there, boy.”

Fuck. There was definitely something wrong with him. That tone, Liam’s words, the look on his face, they were all a warning.

And Nico lapped them up like a dog taking a drink of cool water on a hot day. He was so fucked.

“Let’s talk about the rules for our relationship,” Liam said, bringing his attention back to the here and now. “They might change over time. Or at least, boundaries might shift as you start to trust us more.”

“What things are a hard no right now, pretty girl?” Nico asked leaning forward.

She sucked in a breath, looking back and forth between them. Her hands moved into fists, and Liam stiffened.

Slowly, he moved his hands over hers, pulling them apart and turning them over. It was obvious she’d been pressing her nails into her palms.

“Rule two is no hurting yourself,” Liam told her.

“I didn’t . . . I wasn’t hurting myself.”

“Don’t bullshit yourself or us,” Liam said sharply.

“I didn’t mean to. I mean, I wasn’t thinking about it. I just . . . this is hard to talk about. What he did to me.”

Nico frowned. “You said you talked to a therapist.”

“Yes, but after a while she became more interested in Regent than me. She spent more time asking about him than she did speaking to me about how I was doing. I told Regent and she never came back but I couldn’t trust anyone else after that.”

“What a bitch,” Liam spat out. “What was her name?”

“Why?” she asked suspiciously.


“Yeah, no, that’s not happening.”

“Are you refusing to do what I want, girl?” he drawled.

Would she cave to Liam?

Many would, and Nico wouldn’t blame her if she did. But instead, she lifted her chin and looked up at Liam. “Yes.”