“What? I was just going to say when I touch a kiwifruit.”

“Lord, give me strength,” Liam muttered as she giggled, and Nico winked at her.

“I’m surrounded by a pair of smart asses.”

“What are you gonna do about it?” Nico challenged.

“Awfully cocky for someone who wasn’t able to sit comfortably at breakfast. Maybe I shouldn’t have let you come last night. Perhaps then you wouldn’t be feeling so smart today. Maybe you need a few more days of being denied an orgasm.”

“You wouldn’t let him come?” she asked.

They both turned to stare at her, and she flushed red. “Sorry, forget I said anything. I’ll just be quiet.”

“No,” Liam said firmly. “That’s not the way this works. If you need to ask a question, if you have something to say then you speak up. I won’t be angry at whatever you ask, I’ll only ever get upset if you hold back when you need something, understand?”

“Yes,” she replied quietly. His answer gave her more confidence than he probably knew.

“And yeah, the big meanie wouldn’t let me come the night before last and all day yesterday.” Nico gave her a pouty look that shouldn’t have been as sexy as it was. “Can you believe how mean he is?”

Liam looked mean. But from what Nico had told her, he had a mushy inside. When it came to Nico anyway.

And maybe her.

What would that be like to have a man who was scary enough to keep the monsters at bay, but who would go all marshmallow for you?

Like heaven.

“Why wouldn’t you let him come?” she asked Liam.

“Because he has a smart mouth. And because he needs to know who holds the reins. Sometimes he wants me to pull him back in.”

Nico sighed. “Not into pony play.”

“Pony play?” she squeaked.

Liam gave her an interested look. “What do you know about it?”

“Just what I’ve read.”

“I’ve got to see your books,” Nico said eagerly.

“Later,” Liam told him. “For now, you’re going to strip and show our girl how fucking sexy you are.”

“Yes, Liam.”

“Liam, not Sir?” she asked.

“No, I don’t need to be called Sir or Master.”

“Our lord and master is very humble,” Nico advised.

“Strip,” Liam commanded. “And watch out or I’ll gag you.”

“How could he say his safe word if you gagged him?” she asked as Nico stripped off.

Holy hell. How was she going to survive this? They weren’t even doing anything to her, and she felt like she could go off. She wanted to touch herself. But she wasn’t sure it would be enough.

Why don’t I own a vibrator?