“Let us take care of them,” Liam reassured her.

But that didn’t seem fair. They were her brothers. It wasn’t like they’d hurt her. But they might do their best to stop her from getting involved with Nico and Liam.

“You don’t even live here. If we tell them and Regent kicks you both out . . . I’m not ready to leave the house. I can’t . . . I . . . ” Panic suffused her. She wanted to be stronger. To be ready for all of this. To confidently walk out that door and not worry that she was going to lose her mind in public. But she just couldn’t.

“Breathe, Lottie. Just breathe,” Liam’s voice was steady. His words penetrated the haze of her panic. He touched her hands with his, and rather than shy away, she latched on.

“That’s it, we’re here. You’re safe,” Nico murmured in a softer voice. More cajoling. “Breathe for us, pretty girl.”

“One deep breath in then out. In again. Out.” Liam’s voice was commanding, firm.

She started following his orders without thinking. In. Out. In. Out.

“That’s a good girl. There you are.” Liam cupped her face between his warm, calloused hands, anchoring her in the present. While Nico practically wrapped himself around her, holding onto her tight, protecting her back.

She’d never felt safer. Even with Regent or one of her other brothers around, she’d never felt like this.


“Uh-uh.” Liam shook his head. “You don’t apologize for this.”

“I don’t?”

“Nope. I don’t want to hear it, understand?”

“Are you sure this is what you both want? Maybe you should think about it. Because . . . because I don’t know if I could stand it if you changed your mind further down the road. I just, I think . . . I need some space.”

She quickly left.

Nico rose, ready to go after her, the urge beating inside him. He didn’t want to be apart from her. Ever.

“Wait.” Liam grabbed his arm, stilling him.

Nico gave him a worried look. “How are we going to convince her that we’re not going to run at the first sign of trouble?”

“It’ll take time. And that’s what we need to buy ourselves. And look how far we’ve gotten in a short time.”

“What do you mean? She just ran from us.”

“She came to breakfast, though. She ate a few bites. And she talked to us, asked us questions about our relationship.”

He let out a breath. “Right. She did do those things.”

“I’m going to go talk to Regent. Tell him my plan. You go track her down, make sure our girl is all right.”


Liam leaned in and kissed him, nipping at his lip. “Good boy.”

“Fucking asshole,” Nico muttered as the other man laughed. Sometimes, he was a jerk.

He walked with Liam to the study. “What if he says no?”

“This has become a real problem for him. He’ll say yes.”

Liam didn’t seem nervous at all. But Nico felt nervous enough for both of them.

“And when he finds out we have feelings for his sister?”