“What about now, though? Afterward . . . I mean, after . . .”

“After the pleasure?” Nico asked, with a return of his playful smile. But that faded quickly. “I like the reminder of what we did. It’s also a way of me remembering what he feels for me.”

Liam observed her carefully. She wanted to ask more but didn’t want to insult either of them.

“You should both eat, it’s growing cold,” she said instead.


“Don’t do that.” Liam leaned forward.


“Don’t try to change the subject. Don’t bury your needs. Ask what you wanted to ask.”

“I don’t want to upset you or make you think that I . . . I don’t want to make you mad,” she confessed.

“You think I’d get mad at you?” Liam asked.

“I don’t know. I just don’t want to make either of you mad.”

“You know what would upset me?” Liam was back to rubbing at that stubble on his chin. She wondered what it would feel like against her skin. What it would feel like to have his arms around her.

She was certain she’d feel safe. Like nothing could touch her.


“If you needed something and didn’t ask for it. If you did something to endanger yourself. If something happened to you that I could have prevented. That would upset me. Questions about our relationship, they don’t upset me. In fact, I want them.”

“You do?”

“I do.”

“Nico?” she asked. She didn’t want Liam talking for him.

“Me too.”

She pondered that as she stared at their food. “Why aren’t you eating?”

“We don’t eat until you do,” Liam told her simply. “Unless you want some of my omelet?” He cut a piece off and then held it out to her. “Open.”

“Oh, no, I didn’t mean I wanted any,” she told him.

“Open. Have some.”

“Best just give in to him,” Nico advised.

“Does he always get what he wants?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Pretty much. That’s why he’s so arrogant.”

She snorted then covered her mouth at the uncultured noise. “Maybe he should be challenged a bit more often. We don’t want his head getting too big.”

“Yeah, it’s already pretty large,” Nico agreed. “Getting his way all the time isn’t good for him.”

“No. I agree.”

Liam sighed. “If the two of you are finished? Lottie, eat.”