Nico stared up at Liam who gave him an “are you insane” look.

“You said you would.”

“Of course, I did. Because it’s obvious she doesn’t want him to know. You think I wanted to leave her? I’m thinking about ways I can sneak fucking cameras into her bedroom and bathroom.”

“Liam, you can’t. If she ever found out, she’d never forgive you.”

Liam grunted. “I find out she’s hurt herself again and that’s what’ll happen. But I guess I’ll give her a chance.”

He didn’t look happy about that.

“So, you wouldn’t tell Regent?”

“That fucker had his chance to take care of her. To help her. No more chances for him. You’ve got a problem with me not telling him?”

“Fuck, no. I don’t want her taken away from us. She’s ours.”

“Which means we do whatever we need to in order to help her.”

“Including lie?” He felt uneasy about it. That wasn’t usually Liam’s way.

Liam sighed and lay back on the bed next to him, his arm over his face. “It’s not a lie.”

“But you just said . . . ”

“I’d tell him if I needed to. If it came down to her mental health or having her, I’d choose her health every time. I just don’t think it’s the best move.”

“He’ll fucking kill us if he ever finds out.”

Liam snorted. “I’m not worried about Regent Malone. Besides, if we play this right then he won’t find out. Or by the time he does, she’ll be ours. I’m certain that once Lottie gives herself to someone, she’ll be all in. Her brother won’t have a chance to attempt to come between us.”

Nico hoped that was true. “So, what now?”

“Now, we show her that we are meant to be with her. That all those stupid statements she made about herself were ridiculous and not true. We show her that she’s ours. And we make sure she never wants to be without us.”

“And how do we do that?”

Liam’s face turned thoughtful. “We might have to get strict with her.”

Nico gave him a doubtful look. “Are you sure that’s wise? I mean you . . . ”

“I what?” Liam raised an eyebrow.

“You can be intimidating. You might scare her.”

Liam snorted. “Lottie is stronger than she appears to be. How does everyone treat her?”

“Like she’s fragile.”

“And how is that working out?”

Nico frowned. “That doesn’t mean that being hard with her will be any better. That could backfire.”

“I’m not going to be harsh. I’m just thinking the sooner we lay down some rules and teach her that there are consequences for breaking them, the better.”

“I don’t know, Liam. I don’t think she’s ever going to be our sub.”

“Then she’s not. But there are rules in any sort of relationship. Even living here with her brothers, there are rules she has to follow. Just might be our rules for her are slightly different. And so are our punishments.”