Damn bastard was right. They would sacrifice their own happiness for her. To keep her healthy. Safe.

“I don’t want you to say anything,” she told them.

“Then you know what to do.”

“You’re blackmailing me.” She shot Liam an angry look.

“I’m keeping you safe. You think I can go back to my room and sleep, wondering if you’re down here and all right? I can’t. I need you to do this.”

She nodded tiredly. “Okay.”

“Your promise.”

“I promise,” she whispered.

“Good girl.” He turned to Nico. “It’s late and Lottie needs some sleep. Let’s clean up the bathroom.”

“You don’t need to do that,” she said.

“We do,” Liam said firmly.

Nico knew he likely had two reasons for insisting on helping. To get it cleaned up so she didn’t waste time doing it when she should be sleeping. And to ensure there was nothing in there that she could use to hurt herself.

He hated that they had to do that.

Without listening to her protests, they got to work tidying up the bathroom. There was nothing that he could see her using to hurt herself, but it wasn’t like she couldn’t go searching in another bathroom or the kitchen anyway.

Either she was watched all the time, or she was trusted to keep her word.

By the time they’d cleaned up, she was swaying on her feet clearly exhausted.

“Time for you to go to bed.” Liam moved to her and held out his hand.

Nico sucked in a breath. Liam could be affectionate. But generally, only in private and pretty rarely. He didn’t hug a lot or kiss all that often.

Please don’t reject him.

Lottie reached out and slipped her hand into Liam’s. Nico let out a breath as he walked out of the bathroom towards the bed.

“I still don’t think it will work, Liam,” she whispered.

“It will work, pretty girl,” Nico told her as he drew back the blankets. They were soft. And they smelled like her. Sweet and light.

Shit. Wrong time for his dick to get hard.

“We’re going to stay with you until you fall sleep,” Liam told her.

Nico tensed, wondering if that would freak her out. But she simply nodded. Probably too tired to argue. And maybe she trusted them more than she thought she did.

“Is your head still hurting?” Nico asked her.

“A bit.”

“Would it help if I rubbed it?”

She stared at him, and he prepared himself for her to say no.

“Okay,” she whispered.