That sounded like a place they might want to visit.

“People are accepting of different sorts of relationships there,” she explained.

“Do you have a problem with us being bi?” Nico asked.

“No. This just . . . you’re failing to see the issue!”

“What is it, baby?” Liam asked in a low, silky croon. “What is the issue?”


“Because you were attacked?” Nico asked gently. “Because you struggle with leaving the house?”

“With hurting yourself?” Liam asked darkly.

“Because I have problems with it all! I’m a mess! I don’t even know if I could have you kiss me, let alone have sex with you. Now, will you please just get out before I have to call the guards.” She moved to her dresser and picked up her phone. “I’ll do it. Please, go.”

Nico sucked in a breath. Would she do that? Maybe she would if she thought she was doing it for them. To help them.


He waited for Liam to explode. Or to go all caveman on her. But instead, he simply watched her, his arms crossed over his chest.

“It’s better this way,” she cried when they didn’t move. “Go find someone normal. Someone who can give you both what you need. Someone who isn’t me.”

“We’ve told you how we feel,” Liam told her. “Those feelings don’t just change simply because you say they should. Our feelings aren’t so shallow that we can just turn them off. I’ll never turn them off.”

“Me either.”


Liam watched her worriedly.

“Liam, we can’t just leave her,” Nico whispered as he grew closer to the other man. Not only because he didn’t want to, but if she was stressed and upset . . . he worried about what she might do to cope.

“We’re upsetting her further by being here,” Liam replied quietly.

“But she might hurt herself more.”

“Fuck,” Liam muttered. “Baby, we both know you’re not calling security so put the phone down.”

“I’ll do it.” Her knuckles were tight around her phone, and it nearly broke Nico’s heart to see her like this.

“You won’t,” Liam told her. “Just like you’re not going to hurt yourself any further.”

“I don’t want to.”

“I know, baby. I know. It’s a lot. And we haven’t helped matters by piling all of this on you. It wasn’t what we intended but we needed you to know that we care about you. Want you.”

“We hate hearing you talk about yourself like that,” Nico added. “You’re not baggage or a burden.”

“You’re our everything. You’re going to be our fucking queen,” Liam told her.

“I can’t.”

“You can,” Liam said with quiet assurance. “You just can’t see it yet. But we can be patient. We can show you. We can be confident enough for us and you.”

“I’m not special.”