“And completely fucking messed up.”

“Lottie,” they both scolded at the same time.

“You are not messed up,” Nico told her firmly. “And talking about yourself like that isn’t permitted.”

She was gaping up at Nico in shock.

“As well as being bi, Nico is also a switch,” Liam told her helpfully. “Wasn’t sure until I saw him with you today whether he was going to want to dominate you as well. But I can see that he will. At least in some situations.”

“Way to hit her with a whole lot of information at once, sweetie-bum,” Nico said.

“Sweetie-bum?” she asked, staring at Nico.

“Liam loves cutesy nicknames,” Nico told her.

“Nico obviously loves being denied pleasure,” Liam muttered back.

“So, you’re saying that both of you are . . . ” She closed her eyes for a moment, rubbing at her head.

“Headache?” Nico asked.

“This is a lot,” she admitted. “You guys telling me that you wanted me that first night you met me. That you still want me now, for some reason.”

“Lottie,” Liam growled. “Enough.”

Her eyes shot open, her gaze going to his.

“So you’re a Dom, right?” she asked.

“Yeah. Nico is my sub.”

“I’m not a sub,” she stated.

“How do you know?” Liam asked.

She licked her lips. “I couldn’t go to a club or do a scene or have someone h-hurt me.”

“Nobody is going to hurt you,” Liam told her firmly.

“Everything we do is consensual, Lottie,” Nico reassured her. “Nothing would happen that you didn’t agree to. And being a sub isn’t all about pain or going to clubs. There doesn’t have to be any of that. In fact, we don’t go to clubs anymore. We don’t necessarily like to follow all the rules.”

“I don’t think I’d want you at a club anyway,” Liam said. “Too many eyes on what belongs to me. It’s bad enough when everyone starts sniffing around Nico, I know he could handle himself. But we’d spend all night just keeping people away from you.”

“I don’t belong to you,” she said quietly. “Either of you. All of this . . . it’s too much.”

“You don’t want us?” Liam asked. His gaze shot to Nico’s, who looked worried.

“Don’t want you? How could anyone not want the two of you? I know it’s terrible to admit because I was with Michael at the time, but I felt that attraction too. The pull. I thought it was just because you were both so gorgeous. I mean, I couldn’t have you. You were with each other. You were gay. I figured it was a safe fantasy.”

“It’s not wrong when your boyfriend was all over another woman,” Nico told her. “Besides, I was flirting my ass off with you.”

“I just thought that maybe you were like that with everyone.”

“If he were, he’d never sit again,” Liam said dryly.

Her eyes widened. “Do you mean that you’d . . . ”

“Redden his ass, yep.”